localisation of function

Cards (11)

  • 19c broca and wernicke discovered specific areas of the brain are associated with physical functions. before scientists supported the holistic view where all of the brain was involved in info processing
  • cerebum divided 2 symmetrical halves some of the physical functions are controlled in a specific hemisphere
  • 1880 brocas area responsible for speech production damage cause brocas aphasia slow speech lack fluency difficulty prepositions and conjunctionbs
  • wernickes area no problem producing speech but difficulty understanding speech. speech fluent but meaningless as they have neologisms
  • at the back of the frontal lobe is the motor area which controls voluntary movements and damage to this area can cause involuntary movements
  • somatosensory front parietal lobe seperated from motor area called centeral sulcus transfers sensory info from skin. amount of area devoted to particular body parts denotes sensitivity
  • visual area located in the occipital lobe each eye sends info from rvf to lvc and lvf to rvc , damage to lh cause blindness to rvf, rh causes blindness to lvf
  • auditory area located in temporal lobe which analyses speech, damage can cause partial hearing loss
  • +damage to areas of brain have been linked to mental disorders. neurosurgery last resort for treating mental disorders. cingulotomy involves isolating region called cingulate gyrus been implicated by OCD. Dougherty 2002 reported 44ppl OCD undergone procedure after 32 weeks 30% successful,14% partial. suggests behaviours associated serious mental disorder localised
  • -language may not just be localised to btroca and wernickes areas. dick and trembray 2016 found 2% modern researchers believe language completely controlled by brocas and wenrickes area. advance brain imaging mean that neural responses studied more clarity. seems that language distributed holistically inc rh. suggests language organised holistically contradictory to theory.
  • +brain scan evidence supports brain idea that everyday brain functions are localised. peterson 1998 used brain scans to demonstrate wernicke area active during listening tasks. broca active during reading. review ltm memory study buckner and peterson revealed semantic and episodic memory diff parts prefrontal cortex. studies confirmed localised areas . shows objective methods have been used to supports that brain functions are localised