The use of terms such as autonomous state and agentic state are not measurable, making it a subjective measure, therefore the explanation may lack scientific credibility
The person is no longer monitoring their own behaviour, for example during Milgram's experiment participants describe that they were 'just following orders' and did not consider themselves to be responsible
When someone is asked to do something that goes against their moral values such as acts of blind obedience which may result in feelings of anxiety and distress
When students were asked to watch a film, they blamed the authority figure, showing that a legitimate authority figure is expected to be the cause of obedience
Other theories such as charismatic leadership theory can also explain obedience, showing that the persuasiveness of leaders such as Hitler and propaganda can lead to obedience levels
The theory would show that the German soldiers and officials were in the agentic state and Hitler and any Germans helping the Jews were in the autonomous state, which can help prevent events like the Holocaust from occurring again
The theory is limited as it is only descriptive and doesn't tell us why obedience happens in the first place, only describes the stages that occur whilst being obedient to authority
Agency theory shows the importance of symbols of authority for example uniforms with police officers and teachers to increase the likelihood of obedience, which would help society to run smoothly as a safe and stable environment