There are 2 key loops to use in Python - for loops and while loops
A for loops is count controlled
An example of a for loop could be "For 10 seconds I will jump up and down" - This loop is count controlled and the loop will continue until the count (10 seconds) has finished
A while loop is condition controlled
An example of a while loop could be "While I am not out of breath, I will jump up and down" - This loop is condition controlled and will continue until the condition is no longer true
The "i" is a count variable - It is used to measure each iteration (turn) of the loop
In this program, the indented code will be looped ten times , as seen in the range brackets
This for loop repeats for 5 times and prints the name Olu
We can refer to the iteration we are currently on inside the loop itself using i
This loop will not print numbers from 1 to 10 as Python will always start counting at 0 , so numbers 0-9 will be printed instead - We need to specify in the range brackets that we need to start at 1 and continue up until (not including) 11
In this code, we have specified in our range brackets that we want to start at 1 , continue up until (not including) 11 , which means numbers 1-10 will be printed
Instead of numbers, you could also use a variable in a range bracket