Cards (23)

  • global shift = outsourcing and offshoring of industry thro FDI to asia since 1980
  • economists think 21st century = asias century
    the global economic centre of gravity has shifted towards asia in last 30 years bc of global shift
    • shift of manufacturing jobs from eu japan and na to china philippines bangladesh and vietnam
    • shift of service and adminstration jobs to india esp city of banglalore
  • on surface level global shift = beneficial to asia but rapid economic growth has positive and negatives
    • eg china = heavy environmental costs since it has undergone an 'industrial revolution' since 1990 like the uk from 1770 to 1900
  • china has undergone
    • severe air pollution eg in Beijing = regularly above WHO safe limits
    • Beijings 6 million cars and coal burning power stations = source of pollution (2018 china used 50.2% of worlds coal production)
    • ~50% of chinas rivers and lakes and 40% of groundwater = polluted and unsafe to drink
  • benefits of global shift
    • major investment in infrastructure, china built between 8000km of new speed highway between 2016 and 2020
    • shift from informal insecure employment to a waged employment w a set income and some security
    • tncs invest in training and skills development to improve workforce productivity and some transferreble skills
    • Many reductions in regional poverty due to employment ->850 million chinese ppl lifted out of povertybetween 1978 and 2020
    • more ppl in formal employment pay taxes, local and national gov invest in public servives eg ed and health
  • costs of global shift
    • urban sprawl and loss of productive farmland and forests as industry and cities expand to accommodate industry and worker housing
    • new developments tend to be unplanned and poorly built -> lacking key public services
    • pressure on natural resources esp water supply as new factories and offices demand resources
    • low wages long working hours lack of union representatives and possible exploitation of workers
    • rapid loss of tradition eg local foods and dress as pace of urban and industrial change is so rapid
  • china has undergone
    • severe air pollution eg in Beijing = over WHO safe limits regularly
    • Beijings 6 million cars and coal burning power stations = source of pollution -> 2015 china used 50.2% of coal production
    • ~50% of chinas rivers & lakes and 40% of its groundwater = polluted and unsafe to drink untreated
    • >20% of china is subject to desertifcation and severe soil erosion->major dust storms
    • combined w deforestation -> forced farmers off their land into city bc farmland=overexploited
    • 2017 WWF reported 1/2 land based verterbrae species=lost in last 40 years as biodiversity & habitats lost
  • air pollution in china has reduced LE by 5 years
  • developed countries exp deindustrialistation bc of global shift
    but also is positive bc less pollution there, but only bc its shifted to asia
    economic restructuring (when sectors such as 2ndary industry is replaced by another -> widespread changes in job types) caused a number of social and environmental problems in many former industrial cities in developed world eg detroit and chicago, sheffield and manchester
  • problems caused by economic restructuring
    • declining population
    • middlesbourough = high crime rate bc of poverty
    • ~4% of all land in glasglow = derelict -> land is mostly disused factory sites and is often contaminated by industrial waste = costly to reuse
    • unemployment is high
  • connections created by globalisation = increase in global migration
    greater 'churn' of ppl migrating for work now then ever before
    • greatest form of migration = rural urban migration -> feeds the growth of worlds megacities
    • in emerging and developing countries ~60% of urban growth is caused by rural urban migration and 40% by high birth rates in cities
    • rapid urban growth creates lots of social and environmental challenges
  • social challenges bc of megacity growth
    • housing in short supply -> growth of slums are shanty towns that lack water, sanitation and power supplies
    • poverty=widespread bc wages are low and jobs = short supply so ppl have dangerous informal jobs
    • lack of taxes = city govs struggle to supply essential health and education services
    • lack of water and sanitation = disease and illness = common in slums
  • environmental challenges of megacities
    • sprawling slums at city edge cause deforestation and loss of farmland increases flood risk
    • woodfires old vehicles and industry = air pollution levels are high
    • rivers and lakes are polluted w sewage and industrial waste making health problems worse
    • critical resources esp water = in short supply bc of soaring demand
  • migration can also be international, different migrants are attracted to global hub cities
    • HQs and offices of TNCs are located in global hubs -> high paid professional workers attracted to these places -> large wealth
    • global elite migrants employ maids drivers nannies and gardeners
    • this attracts low skill migrants eg indian and bangladeshi migrants moving to the UAE or filipinos migrating to saudi arabia
    • low skilled low wage migrants find jobs as construction workers for office and apartment blocks in global hubs
  • global hubs = city like london or dubai with an unusually high densuty of transport business political and cultural connections to the rest of the world
  • these cities eg new yorl attract exceptionally wealthy migrants eg russian oligarch billionaires investing in property in london and living there some of the time so they can send their children to uk elite private schools and to move money out of russia and invest in london property
  • migration: costs and beneifts for source country (where the migrants are from)
    + remittances boost income of famillies
    -loss of skilled and educated workers
    +contact w diff culture
    -families broken up as males migrate
    -mass emigration can be viewed as a failure to provide for ppl at home
    +reduces pressure on resources if population is large
  • migration: costs and benefits of migration for host country( where the migrants are going)
    +low wage workers fill skill gaps
    -some host population workers can get jobs
    + migrants can counteract an ageing population
    -demand for ed healthcare and housing rise
    -cultural tensions between migrant and host populations
    -can lead to demand for more housing and therefore loss of green space = overcrowding
  • globalisation -> spread of western culture and its based on
    • wealth creation -> earn money to buy consumer goods -> high levels of consumption
    • private enterprise -> ppl own businesses rather than gov owned
    • success -> measured by how wealthy u r and how much stuff u buy
    • fashion, tech and trends = important in western culture
    • an attitude that physical environment should be exploited for its natural resources to create wealth
  • western culture spread by cultural diffusion, and migration increases the spread as they move about
    • tourism brings ppl into contact with new cultures
    • tncs spread their brands and products around the world
    • global media organisations eg disney, CNN and BBC spread a western view of world events
  • cultural diffusion = exchange of idea between diff ppl as they mix and interact as a result of globalisation
  • western culture has positive and negative impacts on environment and ppl
    • western diet is changing diets worldwide esp in asian cities -> esp w spread of fast food ->linked to rising obesity and diabetes in many NEEs
    • fast food consumer culture = v wasteful in terms of resources eg packaging & fashion -> linked w deforestation & excessive water use as well as air & water pollution
    • but it has also improved opportunites for some traditonally disadvantages & discriminated against groups eg women, disabled ppl & LGBT groups
    • global media coverage of paralympics etc help get rid of discrimination
  • spread of western culture is heavily opposed by some = anti globalisation movement
    these groups eg Occupy wall street and Global justice movement argue globalisation has
    • increased resource consumption via exploitation of natural environment -> deforestation, water pollution, global warming and loss of biodiversity
    • exploited workers
    • tncs and uncaring gov given political and economic power at expense of ordinary ppl
    • increased inequality
    • cultural erosion