Need to always check pts OBS chart before getting them up to make sure theres nothing affecting/stopping them from getting up and being mobilised for the first time
Need to ask pts to see if they feel as if theyre in any discomfort or got any dizziness/nausea
Ask pts to keep you informed of any changes to the wellbeing at any point - getting up for the first time in a while can cause a decrease in blood pressure putting the pts at risk
need to get rid of anything attaching pts to the walls/sides, especially the catheter bags
need to take suitable approaches to make sure you can take them with the pts safely e.g. putting it on a frame that moves with the pts or tuck it into pts pockets - but this is not very dignifying
check with nurses if theyre actively measuring pts uriniary contents, if not, drain it and change it for a leg bag that can be hidden under pts gown
need to check pts footwear
need to make sure the space around pts is clear from trouble and maybe place a chair nearby
need to make sure the walking aids are in proximity and nearby ready to be used
need to check pts weightbearing status
need to make sure pts understands their weightbearing status
need to explain plan to pts (allow their input and goals) and be given consent to start
must have at least 2 people by the pts the first time theyre getting up so that theres someone to help pts with stability at all times
need to again make sure pts arent dizzy or nauseas once theyve sat up and that they understand their weightbearing status
keep patient sitting for a while to check blood pressure is okay and he feels okay
need to chunk activities e.g. sitting, measure up aids, sitting, check progression, demonstration
after demonstration it is essential your hands (and assistant) are free to be near pts in case they need you