women under Khrushchev

Cards (14)

  • Several women's magazines (woman worker, peasant women, soviet woman) that carried articles by women exposing inequalities in soviet society
  • War lead to the death of over 10 million men
  • Abortion was legalised
  • State paid maternity leave increased from 77 to 112 days
  • The 6th 5YP (1956) led to expansion of creches, childcare facilities and communal laundries
  • 7YP introduced convenience foods and mass produced clothing
  • Refrigerators made widely available
  • As a result of the war, the proportion of women in soviet society grew from 52% (1939) to 55% (1959)
  • The war had led to many lone-parent families - stalinist family style no longer worked
  • Women were able to do less cooking and sewing themselves
  • Contraception remained hard to acquire
  • Failed to end the 'double shift' domestic appliances were either less helpful or less widely available
  • Creches opened late and closed early so women were still unable to do full work days
  • Women still spent more time doing household chores than men