The Physical Self

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  • The physical self refers to the body.
  • Physical efficiency generally peaks in early adulthood between the ages of twenty and thirty, and then slowly declines into the middle age.
  • Physical development and growth during childhood continues at a slow rate compared with rapid rate of growth in babyhood
  • Puberty - This stage is characterized by rapid physical changes that includes the maturation of there productive system
  • LIFE SPAN refers to the development from conception to death.
  • Elizabeth B. Hurlock outlined the stages in the life span:
  • Prenatal – fertilization to birth
    • The pregnancy is divided into 3 parts of development; the germinal, embryonic and the fetal stage
  • Infancy
    • This is from birth to 2 weeks of life. It is a time of rapid physical, perceptual, cognitive, logical, social, and emotional growth.
  • Babyhood – 2 weeks of life to 2nd year
    • Babyhood is the true foundation of development which there is a rapid growth and change
    • One specific task of this stage is to develop object permanence in which it is the ability of the baby to perceive things to continue to exist even though they are not directly sensed
  • Early Childhood – 2 to 6
    • or preschool years. Like infants and toddlers, preschoolers grow quickly - both physically and cognitively
  • Late Childhood – 7 to 10 or 12
    • Up until this point, most children have been growing at family predictable rates.
  • Puberty – 10 or 12 to 14
    • Biological maturation where a boy or girl become ableto reproduce or this is the age of achieving full sexualmaturity
  • Adolescence – 14 to 18
    • Menarche or the beginning of menstrual periods typically occurs about 2 years after early breast and pubic hair appear. It may occur as early as 9, or as late as age 16.They usually reach growth spurt around 11.5 and slows around age 16.
    • boys will have regular nocturnal emissions(wet dreams).
  • Early Adulthood – 18 to 40
    • By the time we reach early adulthood, our physical maturations is complete,
    • The lens of the eye starts to stiffen and thicken, resulting in changes in vision that usually affecting the ability to focus on close objects also known as myopia or nearsightedness.
  • Middle Adulthood – 40 to 60
    • Around the age of 60, the eyes lose their ability to adjust to objects at varying distances, known as presbyopia or farsightedness.
  • Late Adulthood or senescence – 60 to death
    • According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 life expectancy in the Philippines is: Male 66.2, female 72.6 and total life expectancy is 69.3 which gives Philippines a World Life Expectancy ranking of 123.
  • Nature refers to HEREDITY, the influence of inherited characteristics on personality, personalgrowth, intellectual growth and social interactions.
  • Nurture refers to the influence of the ENVIRONMENT on all those same things and includes parenting styles, physical surroundings, economic factors and anything that can have an influence on development that does not come from within the person.
  • Environmental factors such as diet, nutrition, and diseases play an important role in physical development.
  • Body image refers to mental image we form of our own bodies that includes how we feel about our bodies as well as how satisfied or dissatisfied we are with our bodies.
  • Appearance refers to everything about a person that others can observe such as height, weight, skin color, clothes, and hairstyle
  • Self esteem is the overall evaluation of his or her own worth.
  • For girls, self-consciousness and dissatisfaction with their appearance reach their peak between the ages 13 and 15.
  • Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which the person refuses to eat for fear of gaining weight which can result in severe starvation and death.
  • A related disorder is bulimia in which the person induces purging after binging on large quantities of food.
  • Muscle dysmorphia the delusional or exaggerated belief is that one's own body is too small, too skinny, insufficiently muscular, or insufficiently lean.
  • Physical attractiveness is the perception of the physical traits of an individual human personas aesthetically pleasing or beautiful.
  • Matching Phenomenon
    • The tendency for men and women to choose as partners those who are a “good match” in terms of physical attractiveness, intelligence and other traits.
  • Physical Attractiveness Stereotype
    • It refers to the presumption that physically attractive people possess other socially desirable traits as well. What is beautiful is good
  • Similarity
    • One reason is that marriages and other long term relationships are made in the neighborhood and not in heaven. People similar in background are more similar in their attitudes. Likeness begets liking.
  • Similarity– Complementarity
    is the popularly supposed tendency, in a relationship between to people, for each to complete what is missing in the other
  • object permanence in which it is the ability ofthe baby to perceive things to continue to exist even though they are not directly sensed.
  • Body dysmorphic disorder - Preoccupation with one or more perceiveddefects or flaws in physical appearance that are not observable or appearslight to others