Tendons- collagen always exists in bundles parallel to each other
Ligaments- Elastin is formed in the same direction of fibres
Body cells
Muscular movt- contractility, extensibility elasticity, excitability. The ability to respond to a stimuli and generate action potential to conduct an impulse
Ciliary movt
Ciliary movt
Simple cuboidal and columnar epithelium( not squamous) show hair like outgrowth from the apical/free surface of the cell
Arise from the basal body below the cell membrane
Made up of Microtubules
Inner lining of fallopian tube, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles
Striated( Skeletal+ cardiac)
Involuntary (Visceral+cardiac)-ANS
Many G actin ->F actin
2 F actin wind together to form 1 active filament called subfilament
Func of Tropomyosin: stabilises actin filament
Func of Troponin: In resting muscle it masks the active myosin binding sites on actin
Monomer->Meomyosin divided into heavy meromyosin (HMM)and light meromyosin (LMM)
The HMM is divided into Head and short arm which together form a cross arm
The LMM is further divided into tails
2 units of Meromyosin make 1 myosin molecule and many myosin molecules make 1 myosin fibre
There is a potential difference between the neuronal membrane and sarcolemma, at rest this is termed as resting membrane phase. When a stimulus comes to the neuronal membrane a depolarisation takes place followed by a repolarisation and then RMP( resting membrane potential)
Motor unit
A single motor neuron+ all the muscle fibres it innervates.
Neural signal starts from CNS
Motor neuron to cyton to axon to axon terminals to synaptic knob to sarcolemma to neuromuscular junction or motor end plate