cardiovascular system (pp1)

Cards (12)

  • Cardiovascular system consists of the Heart, blood, blood vessels, Pulmonary circuit and the systemic system
  • Blood vessels are hollow tubes that transport blood throughout the body.
  • what are the 3 major blood vessels?
    Arteries, Capillaries and Veins
  • What are the functions of blood?
    • Trasport gases, nutrients and waste
    • fight infections.
    • Regulate temperature and hydration.
  • Define Thermoregulation
    process that allows the body to maintain it's core internal temperature
  • Define Hypothermia
    Potentially dangerous drop in temperatures
  • Define Hyperthermia
    elevated body temperature due to failed thermoregulation
  • ways the body cools down is sweating, Vasodilation
  • Vasodilation is when the blood vessels get wider to increase blood flow to the skin
  • Vasoconstriction is when blood vessels get narrower, decreasing blood flow to skin
  • Thermogenesis is when the body's muscle, organs and brain produce heat in different ways
  • causes of hypothermia is exposure to cold temperatures for a long period of time.