A social institution where two persons, a man and a woman, enter into a family life
A social institution that refers to relations formed between members of society
Types of kinship
Consanguineal kinship (kinship based on blood)
Affinal kinship (kinship based on marriage)
Kinship by rituals (e.g. compradrazgo)
Consanguineal kinship
Kinship based on blood, considered the most basic and general form of relations
Biological relationship and an individual's child's offspring or his or her parents and ancestry
The line where one's descent is traced, can be through paternal or maternal line or both
Principles of descent
Unilineal descent (traced through a single line of ancestors)
Bilateral descent (traced through both ancestral lines of mother and father)
Unilineal descent
Descent traced through either the male or female line
Descent traced through the male line
Descent traced through the female line
Affinal kinship
Kinship based on marriage, new forms of social relations developed when marriage occurs
Marriage is a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman entered into in accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and family life
Types of marriage
Endogamy (compulsory marriage within own group)
Exogamy (marriage outside own group)
Monogamy (one partner)
Polygamy (multiple partners)
Postmarital residency rules
Rules of residence or location of couple's permanent residence after marriage
Forms of postmarital residency
Patrilocal (stay with husband's relatives)
Matrilocal (stay with wife's relatives)
Bilocal (alternate between husband's and wife's relatives)
Referred marriage
Marriage where matchmakers help find possible husband or wife
Arranged marriage
Marriage where parents, community leaders, or religious officials determine the marital partner
Types of arranged marriage
Child marriage
Exchange marriage
Diplomatic marriage
Modern arranged marriage
Compradrazgo is a ritualized form of forging co-parenthood or family
The basic unit of social organization, made up of a group of individuals linked by marriage, blood, or adoption
Definitions of family by sociologists and anthropologists
George Peter Murdock's definition
Kingsley Davis' definition
Talcott Parsons' definition
Bronislaw Malinowski's definition
Theoretical perspectives on family
Structural functionalism theory
Conflict theory
Symbolic interactionism
Nuclear family
Family made up of a couple and their biological or adopted children
Extended family
Family whose members go beyond the nuclear family, including single nuclear, two or more nuclear, or with other related members
Blended or reconstituted family
Family where parents have children from previous marital relationships but all members form a new family unit
The United Nations defines family within a household as those members related through blood, adoption, or marriage
The United Nations defines one-person household as an arrangement where one person makes provision for their own essentials, and multi-person household as a group of two or more persons living together and making common provision for essentials