Large businesses and corporations, rapidgrowth of different industries (industrial evolution)
competition, R and D, technological advancements, improved products, services and alternatives
higher quality of life
monopolies or oligarchies
environmental costs and socialissues
social entrepreneurship is the process of creating value by combining resourcesinnewways intended primarily to explore and exploit opportunities to createsocialvalue by stimulatingsocialchange or meetingsocialneed
social entrepreneurship is about finding new and better ways to create and sustain social value
social entrepreneurship involves the offering of services and products as well as creation of new org. may also occur in an established org refer to NGO and Gov partnerships with the private sector
social entrepreneurs :
they are change agents - they create large scale change using pattern breaking ideas
they apply cutting-edge research, combine innovative practices , and involve new technologies (supply resources, distribution outlets, or methods of production) to achieve their goals
they address the root causes of social problems
they possess the ambition to create systemic change by introducing a new idea and persuade others to adopt it .
they have deep knowledge of their social issues area
social enterprises are
An enterprise setup or driven by social goals (may also exists in org which are not technically social enterprises)
the social mission is the most important criterion, not wealth creations. Wealth is only a means to an end for social entrepreneurs
social enterprises are best identified by defining social entrepreneurship activity in a continuum:
on one end are social enterprises driven exclusively by producing social benefits
on the other hand are social enterprises are motivated by profitability with social benefits
Sustainable entrepreneurship
Environmental Entrepreneurship
Green Capitalism
Social entrepreneurship
Corporate social responsibility
Strategies for creating a sustainable future
eliminate the concept of waste
restore accountability
make prices reflect costs
promote diversity
make conversation profitable
insist on accountability of nations
assets facilitating sustainability in social entrepreneurship
The internet
social venture capitalists, social impact investing
Shared value and triple bottom line - refers to the net income
Companies taking the lead in bringing business and society back together
an approach to creating economic value that also create vales for society by addressing its needs and challenges
it connects company success with social progress
it goes beyond social responsibility or sustainability, transforming business thinking
The triple bottom line are
performance measures - related to the bottom line and income flows.
performance measure - natural resources and their viabilities
performance measure - harming or sustain communities