Greenhouse Gases/Climate Change

Cards (7)

  • 'Locked Up Carbon': Carbon trapped in the atmosphere
  • Longer wavelengths cannot penetrate through greenhouse gases as they trap heat.
  • Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere
  • Why do greenhouse gases increase?
    Deforestation as trees absorb Carbon dioxide, Burning Fossil fuels e.g. power stations, Methane: Landfills - Materials rotting, Cattle - Give off gas, rice fields
  • Greenhouse gases: Water Vapour, Carbon Dioxide, Methane
  • Greenhouse Effect: (Visible Light or Ultraviolet) Short Wavelengths absorbed by the earth is re-raidiated back out to the earths atmosphere as longer waves (Infra red).
  • Increase in temperature: Melting Ice caps, increased flooding, more frequent storms.