Gangsa - played by the groups in the Cordillera region of the bossed gongs played among the Islam and animist groups in the Southern Philippines.
Solibao - is a hallow wooden Igorot drug topped with pig skin or lizard skin this is played by striking the drum head using the palm of the hand.
Tongatong - is a bamboo percussion instrument used by the people of Kalinga to communicate with spirits during house blessings. It is made of bamboo cut in various lengths.
Diwdiw - 5 or more different size of slender bamboo that are tied together
Saggeypoit - is a bamboo pipe that is closed on one end by a node with the open end held against the lower lip of the player as he blows directly across the top. The pipe can be played individually by one person or in ensembles of three or more.
Bungkaka - Bamboo buzzer
Kulintang - refers to a racked gong chime instrument played in the southern islands of the Philippines, along with its varied accompanying ensembles.
Rondalla - is performed on ensembles comprising mandolin instruments of various sizes called banduria composed on the Iberian tradition.