Cards (38)

    • How our ancestors developed  alternative ideas in explaining various phenomena and in explaining the world around them.
    • Develop practices that caters daily needs
    • Influence of Spaniards, Japanese and Americans
      -take us in full control (ungo, aswang, maligno)
      -religious practices (6:00 pm prayer, Holly Rosary)
      -to make Filipinos productive worker
  • is embedded in the daily life experiences of young children as they grow old.
    Indigenous knowledge
    • A prominent practice, and lessons people learned are intimately interwoven with their culture and the environment (variations in diff. regions).
    • Parents and older folks serves as their first teachers in transmitting cultural knowledge in their minds  
    • pamahiin/too-too
     - food production, weather, medicine, religious belief
    • Lessons comprise good values & life stories of people on their daily struggles.
    Indigenous knowledge
  • customary beliefs, social forms and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group
  • diversions or a way of life shared by people in a place or time
  • Indigenous Science is part of the indigenous knowledge system  practiced by different groups of people & early civilizations.

    (Gribbin 2001,:Mkapa 2004,: Sibisi 2004)
  • Indigenous Science is collectively lived in & experienced by the people of a given culture.
    (Pawilen,2005 ; Ogawa 1995)
  • Indigenous Science includes everything from Metaphysics to Philosophy & various practical technologies (by indigenous people both past & present.

  • It includes complex arrays of knowledge, expertise, practices & representations that guide human societies in their enumerable interactions with the natural milieu:
    Indigenous Science
  • Indigenous Science
    • uses Science process skills
    • guided by Community Culture and Values
    • composed of Traditional Knowledge
  • Indigenous beliefs (as cited by Johnston 2000)
    1.Motivating attitudes2.Cooperating attitudes3.Practical attitudes4.Reflective attitudesIndigenous beliefs (as cited by Johnston 2000)
    1.Motivating attitudes2.Cooperating attitudes3.Practical attitudes4.Reflective attitudes
  • Indigenous beliefs (as cited by Johnston 2000)
    1.Motivating attitudes2.Cooperating attitudes3.Practical attitudes4.Reflective attitudesIndigenous beliefs (as cited by Johnston 2000)
    1.Motivating attitudes2.Cooperating attitudes3.Practical attitudes4.Reflective attitudes
  • which prescribes a regulatory framework for the prospecting of biological and genetic resources, their by-products and derivatives, for scientific and commercial purposes, and for other purposes
    Executive order no. 247, 1995
  • An act to recognize, protect and promote the rights of indigenous cultural communities/indigenous people, creating a national commission of indigenous people, establishing implementing mechanisms, appropriating funds therefore, and for other purposes
    Indigenous Peoples' Rights Act (IPRA), or Republic Act 8317
  • which created the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC) in 2000, providing for a Traditional and Alternative Health Care Development Fund and for other purposes;
    Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act, 1997
  • the process to preserve food with salt water or vinegar
  • occurs when a haploid gamete fuses with a diploid gamete, resulting in triploid plant, which is sterile.
  • Acording to Waddy in 1988, aboriginal people (Australia) classify plants & animals in various ways, with the simplest being the binary classification (plants).
  • Natives' Best Practices
    • Can be define as Technologies employed by the native inhabitants of a country.
    • Preserve and maintain knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional life styles.
    • Promote their wider application with the approval and involvement of holders of such knowledge, innovations and practices and encourage the equitable sharing of benefits arising from them
  • is a three-dimensional artwork created by shaping or combining hard materials such as :
    • to materials such as clay, textiles polymers and softer metals
    • means to make cloth and other objects
    • Done by inersecting the longitunidal threads, the warp, with the transverse thread.

    • Threads or strands of material are passed under and over each other.

    • Witch doctor
    • Commonly found in the more rural areas of the Philippines
    • Heals people using herbs and traditional practices such as hilot or massage.
    • Very traditional and superstitious.
  • ¨Made from an instrument constructed in bamboo and razor-sharp lemon thorns
  • ¨Design is marked onto the skin using long strips of straight grass, dipped in simple mixture of charcoal and water
    ¨Ethnic group; Kalinga
  • Extensive Tattoos and Rituals
    • Northern Mountain tribes people of the Cordillera Region known as Cordilleras or Igorots
    • Practices headhunting and one of the reason behind tattooing.
    • Believed tattoos possessed spiritual powers and magical qualities which gave them strength and protection.Used to reward a warrior after a successful headhunt expedition
  • Known by many names which include goose grass, wild grass, carabao grass and dog’s tail, a tropical plant and can usually be found in river banks and along the roads

    Paragis or “Eleusine Indica”.
  • A new “miracle” plant because of its alleged benefits and power to cure various ailments, including cancer.

    Paragis or "Eleusine Indica"
  • Against inflammation and a natural antihistamine or anti-allergy treatment
    Paragis or "Eleusine Indica"
  • for toothache. Fry and pulverize then put inside the aching tooth.

    Red ant (angiyawan)
  • for stomach ache. Pulverized and mixed it with water and drink.
    uling (charcoal)
  • for wounds or for those who are newly circumcised. Pulverized the dried coconut shell then apply to the wounds.

    coconut shell
  • is good for sore eyes. 
    The mother breast milk
  • usually done to hasten body or muscle pain.
  • kidney problems
    Cogon Grass Roots
  • kidney problems
    Cogon Grass Roots