
Cards (11)

  • crime is due to inequalities created from a capitalist society
  • we can solve crime by creating a more equal and caring society
  • people are motivated by consumerism and materialism they commit to gain wealth
  • more taxing of the rich
  • government intervention
  • first cause of crime:
    marginalisation ->
    • those that sit on the edge of margins in society
    • no clear goals
    • feel resentment to society
    • only way to express frustration is through crime e.g. violence
  • second cause of crime:
    relative deprivation ->
    • comparing own financial cirmcumstances to other people, making us feel frustrated and worthless
    • commit crime due to feelings of injustice and to attain what they think they should have
  • third cause of crime:
    subcultures ->
    • criminals subscribe to values and goals of mainstream society, they want material goods
    • the opportunities to achieve the goals are blocked
    • resort to crime to achieve materialstic goods.
  • how left realists would tackle crime:
    tackling structural causes-
    • causes of crime are due to unequal structure of capitalist society and major structural changes are needed to reduce crime
    police reform-
    • if the public had confidence in the police, they would report more crimes
    • the public should work with the polie rather than against them which would improve the policing for communities and reduce crime
  • strength:
    explanation highlights relationship between realtive deprivationa nd criminality and how media plays a part in promoting ideals and materials that some cannot achieve. For example, some may be influenced by media that promotes Christmas presents and see everyone else being able to afford them. This could influence them to resort to crime to ensure they can meet the pressures and demand of society.
  • weaknesses:
    • the idea relative deprivation and economic inequality leads to crime is an over-prediction. The explanation assumes someone who experiences deprivation, such as disadvantaged groups, will turn to crime. However, many do not, depsite facing seirous deprivation and poverty. Therefore the theory is unable to explain the anomilies.
    • the explanation focuses on street crime and working-class crimes, while ignoirng the crimes of the middle and upper classes such as corporate crime