Mental representation of self and others in relationships.
what did Myron - Wilson and Smith 1998 do?
assessed 196 children's attachment type and bullying by questionnaire and found that INSECURE-AVOIDANT infants are most likely to be bullied and INSECURE-RESISTANT are most likely to be bullies
what is the procedure of Hazan and Shaver's love quiz?
love quiz placed in a small town paper and it asked questions about: current attachment experiences, attachment to history to identify current, assessing attachment type by responding to one of three statements that 'best describes me'
questions included attitude towards love
620 responses
what were the findings of Hazan and Shaver?
56% classified as secure
25% as avoidant
19% as resistant
what did Hazan and Shaver find that securely attached adults were?
Had certain beliefs - love is enduring
reported certain experiences - mutual trust
less likely to have been divorced
what did Hazan and Shaver find insecurely attached adults to be?
felt true love was rare
found relationships less easy
more likely to be divorced
what is the relationship like between a secure adult and their mother?
positive image of mother as dependable and caring
what is the relationship between a resistant adult and their mother like?
conflicting memories of mother being positive and rejecting
what is the relationship between an avoidant adult and their mother like?
remember mother as cold and rejecting
what did Bailey et al do (relationships in adulthood as a parent)
assessed 99 mothers and their infants AND their own mothers using the strange situation and interviews
Found the majority of the mothers had the same attachment type with their infant as with their own mother
Behaviours influenced by the internal working model: Mental health
the lack of an attachment during the critical period in development would result in a lack of an internal working model
children with an attachment disorder have no preferred attachment figure, an inability to interact and relate to others is evident before 5 as well as experience of severe neglect or change in caregivers
Strength - strong research support
many studies show a link between infant attachment type and later development
Fearon and Roisman supported this
disorganised attachment was most predictive
Weakness - not all evidence supports the link between infant attachment and later development
Regensburg longitudinal study found no continuity of attachment type
weakness - Zimmerman
assessed infant attachment type and adolescent attached to parents. There was very little relationship between the quality of infant and adolescent attachment
weakness - assessment methods
self - report mostly used which leaves it open to bias
retrospective data used - recollection problems
weakness - research is correlated
correlations doesn't show causation
could be innate temperament
Temperament hypothesis - this may affect their issues with relationships later in life - intervening variable
weakness - confounding variables
some studies do make assessments of infant attachment and follow up children, assessing their later development
however, these studies may be affected by confounding variables - parenting style and personality may affect both attachment and later development
Evaluation extra - Clark and Clark
the influence of infant attachment on later relationships are PROBALISTIC, people are not doomed to have bad relationships due to early attachments - just have a greater risk
Bowlby exaggerated the significance of the early relationships on later relationships
could lead to self-fulfilling prophecy
knowing someone's attachment type may do more harm than good