States that society is in conflict with each other between rich and poor
Creates a fairer society according to Marxism
Based on privateownership and produces inequality
Working class
Has the power to change things
Radical change
Can only come through revolution
The ruling class which is made up of the capitalists, the owners of means of production (factories and land)
The working class whose members are exploited by the ruling class, in order for them to make a profit
what Marxism states -
Capitalist society (based on money and private ownership of property) is the cause of crime
The ruling class own the factories/farms and control means of production
The working class are the majority of working class who only have the ability to work
The capitalist society is set up in the interest of the ruling class (including police, government, schools, prison and media) and the working class are exploited and oppressed
People at the top try to control the masses and maintain status quo
Inequality in society
People living In poverty with little hope of change may try to break the law to survive
They might also feel really frustrated and left out so commit crimes
Inequality causes feelings of alienation and frustration resulting in non-utilitarian crimes (violence and vandalism)
Capitalism pushes consumerism
It convinces us we NEED material goods. This can be done by influencers
White collar crime
Can get away with it as it easily goes under the radar
Marxists believe that law making and enforcement serve in the interests of the capitalist society
William Chamberlin argues that the laws are made to protect the private property of the rich
There are no laws against the rich owning several houses
Very few laws challenge the unequal distribution of wealth
Poorer working class are treated differently
The police treat the working class differently as they have typification's