Increasingly becoming incorporated into other therapies such as CBT
Mindfulness CBT (MiCBT) helps people to learn and develop control over the processes that maintain the unrealistic night and beliefs through mindfulness training
MiCBT helps change the process of thinking, not just the content of our thoughts and has shown to be effective
Teasdale, looked at the effectiveness of mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT)
MBCT was most useful for those who went through the most depressive episodes and reduces the risk of relapse in those who had 3 or more episodes (more information in book)
Reibel et al
Found mindfulness based stress reduction decreased anxiety levels and depression ins 136 patients who did 20 mins of meditation per day over an 8 week period .
Group v individual mindfulness
Some research suggests that group mindfulness therapy is more effective than individual mindfulness
mantioz and giannou
Investigated group vs individual mindfulness therapy in group that wanted to lose weight
Individual v group
170 patients randomly assigned group or individual mindfulness
participants in group setting list more weigh and lowered their levels of cognitive behavioural avoidance I.e avoiding social activities.