Key research principles from the natural sciences should be applied to the study of society:
Observations & inductive reasoning
Theories of verification
Patterns & causes
Universal laws
Positivist research methods
Quantitative data
Detached & objective
Study of suicide
Used quantitative data from official statistics
Studied it objectively
Interpretivists - subject matter of sociology
We can only understand it by successfully interpreting the meanings and motives of the actors involved.
There is a fundamental difference between the subject matter of sociology compared to the natural sciences
Natural sciences - studies matter that had no consciousness. It’s behaviour can be explained as a straightforward reaction to external stimuli.
Sociology - studies people who have consciousness.
Free will.
Rather than responding automatically to external stimuli, human beings interpret the meaning of a stimulus and then choose how to respond to it.
Not puppets on a string
People are not manipulated by ‘social facts’.
Qualitative research methods needed to uncover meanings.
Study of suicide
Opposes Durkheim
Can never truly measure suicide, using qualitative or quantitative research methods.
In society today we have no metanarrative. Therefore, it is nonsensical to use the metanarrative of science to explain a society with no metanarrative.
Science has been dominated by man and doesn’t provide insight into women’s experiences.
Risk society
In practice, science has not always led to the progress that positivists believe it would.