Sociology & science

Cards (18)

  • Positivists - should sociology be a science?
  • Interpretivists - should sociology be a science?

  • Key research principles from the natural sciences should be applied to the study of society:
    Observations & inductive reasoning
    Theories of verification
    Patterns & causes
    Universal laws
  • Positivist research methods 

    Quantitative data
    Detached & objective
  • Durkheim
    Study of suicide
    Used quantitative data from official statistics
    Studied it objectively
  • Interpretivists - subject matter of sociology

    We can only understand it by successfully interpreting the meanings and motives of the actors involved.
  • There is a fundamental difference between the subject matter of sociology compared to the natural sciences
    Natural sciences - studies matter that had no consciousness. It’s behaviour can be explained as a straightforward reaction to external stimuli.
    Sociology - studies people who have consciousness.
  • Mead
    Free will.
    Rather than responding automatically to external stimuli, human beings interpret the meaning of a stimulus and then choose how to respond to it.
  • Not puppets on a string
    People are not manipulated by ‘social facts’.
  • Verstehen
    Qualitative research methods needed to uncover meanings.
  • Douglas
    Study of suicide
    Opposes Durkheim
  • Atkinson
    Can never truly measure suicide, using qualitative or quantitative research methods.
  • Postmodernism
    In society today we have no metanarrative. Therefore, it is nonsensical to use the metanarrative of science to explain a society with no metanarrative.
  • Feminism
    Science has been dominated by man and doesn’t provide insight into women’s experiences.
  • Risk society
    In practice, science has not always led to the progress that positivists believe it would.
  • Popper
    The fallacy of induction and falsification
  • Kuhn
    Scientific paradigms
  • Keat & Urry
    Closed and open systems and underlying structures