Further Spectroscopy

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  • l: orbital angular momentum quantum number
    • The magnitude of total orbital angular momentum
    • Describes the interaction of electron orbits
  • ml: magnetic quantum number
    • Expresses the orientation of the orbital angular momentum relative to an axis
    • There are 2l + 1 values
  • s: spin angular momentum quantum number
    • The magnitude of spin angular momentum (1/2)
  • ms: magnetic spin quantum number
    • Describes the orientation of the spin angular momentum
    • 2s + 1
  • L: total orbital angular momentum quantum number
    • Describes interaction of electron orbits
    • The magnitude of total angular momentum
  • ML: total orbital magnetic quantum number
    • Expresses the orientation of the orbital angular momentum relative to an axis
    • 2L + 1 values
  • S: total spin angular momentum quantum number
    • Describes interaction of electron spin
    • The magnitude of total spin angular momentum
  • MS: total spin magnetic quantum number
    • Describes the orientation of the total spin angular momentum
    • 2S + 1 values
  • Term symbols: used to express the collective electronic properties of a system. This ignores closed shells as they have net zero electron spin and orbital angular momentum.
  • J: total angular momentum
    • Represents the coupling that occurs between electron spin and electron orbit
    • Significant for heavier atoms with 5d, 4f and 5f orbitals
  • The lowest energy term symbol:
    • The ground state term symbol
    • The term with the greatest spin multiplicity lies lowest in energy for a given conformation
    • For a term with given multiplicity, the greater the value of L, the lower the energy
  • Values of J are always positive or 0:
    • < 7 f electrons, L-S is the lowest energy value of J
    • > 7 f electrons, L+S is the lowest energy value of J
    • = 7 f electrons, L = 0, S = J
  • Microstate: each specific arrangement of energy for each molecule in a system. There needs to be a representation of all possible electronic arrangements.
  • Microstate tables can be used to determine spectroscopic terms. Each microstate is one value of ML and the number of microstates will correlate to the value of 2L + 1.
  • Crystal field theory orbital splits:
    A - non-degenerate
    T - triply-degenerate
    E - doubly-degenerate
  • T1g - electron density in two cartesian axes
    T2g - electron density in three cartesian axes
  • Non-crossing rule: the same terms of symmetry should not cross in an Orgel diagram.
  • High spin d1 configuration:
    • T -> E transition
    • Triply degenerate in the ground state
  • High spin d9 configuration:
    • E -> T transition
    • Doubly degenerate in the ground state
  • d5 configuration:
    • 6S ground term
    • Only 1 molecular term, 6A1g
  • d2, d8, d3 and d7 all have free ion F term symbols.
  • Tanabe-Suagno diagrams
    x-axis: E/B
    y-axis: delta Oh/B
  • Tanabe-Sugano diagram: correlation diagram that includes low spin and high spin states. Scaled by the Racah parameter, B, providing quantitative descriptions of electron-electron repulsion.
  • Orgel diagrams: show the relative energies of orbitals and terms as a function of delta Oh.
  • UV-vis transition lines in Tanabe-Sugano diagrams:
    1. Sharp - line is parallel but weak (spin forbidden)
    2. Broad - line is not parallel
    3. Broadest - line is even less parallel
  • Calculating delta Oh in Tanabe-Sugano:
    • Each peak represents a transition from the ground state to the excited state
    • Each transition is E/B
  • UV-Vis:
    • Molecular vibrations last longer than electronic transitions
    • Transitions to different vibrational states results in a broad peak
    • During molecular vibration symmetry is lost and mixing between orbitals can occur
  • Characteristic UV-Vis triplet peaks can be used to determine oxidation states of metals within frameworks/arrays of linked tetrahedra.
  • X-Ray Absorption:
    • X-rays are used to excite core electrons
    • Energy of incoming photon > core electron binding energy = ejection of electron
    • Core-hole is quickly refilled
    • Transitions to higher unfilled orbitals occur before ejection
  • The energy difference between the core-hole and the electron is released in the form of a fluorescent X-ray photon. This is characteristic for elements and can be applied to elemental composition analysis.
  • XAS and XANES Regions:
    1. Pre-edge region: shows vibration of absorption through matter as photon energy is increased - the energy of an incoming photon is not enough to excite a core electron
    2. X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES): the region just before and after (up to 50 eV past the edge), the energy of the photon is enough to excite a core electron
    3. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS): the oscillatory structure after (can be > 1000 eV pas the edge) the electron has been ejected
  • XANES:
    • Oxidation state: kinetic energy required to excite core electron depends on pull of the nucleus
    • Coordination geometry: s -> d transitions are Laporte forbidden for Oh systems, however for Td there is p-d hybridisation and more intense transitions
  • K and L1 edges excite s electrons, L3 and L3 edges excite p electrons.
  • EXAFS:
    • The outgoing electron can be seen as a spherical wave that is scattered back by neighbouring atoms
    • The interference between the outgoing and back-scattered wave give rise to EXAFS oscillations
  • EXAFS depends on:
    • The type of neighbour
    • The distance of neighbours
    • The number of neighbours
    • The thermal disorder of the neighbours
  • Early XAS experiments used photographic plates (decay process after excitation released a fluorescent photon).
    • L3 edges with intense allowed p -> d transition caused burning of the plates and left intense white lines
    • L3 edges of d block metals can use the white line height to measure the extent of available d orbitals (also measure of OS)
    • Pt NPs have an intense white line as the surface is oxidised to Pt2+
    • White line can also indicate particle size i.e. changes in surface to volume ratio
  • CeO2:
    • Applications in catalysis due to oxygen storage capacity
    • Facile changing between Ce (III) and Ce (IV) allows it to provide or store oxygen depending on reaction conditions
    • Both Au/CeO2 and Pt/CeO2 are active WGS catalysts
  • Scattering paths can be single or multiple scattering effects.
    • Large number of paths available within a repeating unit
    • EXAFS can be modelled by considering the limited number of paths that have the most contribution
    • Effect on the spectrum is more pronounced for short scattering paths and those with neighbours of high MW
  • EXAFS function:
    • Can be represented as a summation of the sine waves produced from the outgoing photoelectron wavefunction, together with the backscattered wavefunction from each coordination shell of atom type j
    • Many parameters that contribute to the amplitude and phase components of data (simplified to limited set of variables)
  • Amplitude: the mean squared disorder parameter (sigma squared), the coordination number (N), and the interatomic distance between absorber and scatterer (R)