What the body does to the drug, including changes in drug concentration over time, how the drug enters the body, where it goes in the body and how the body gets rid of the drug
What the drug and receptor, as well as other effects of the drug
Stages of drug disposition
Absorption from the site of administration
Distribution within the body
Pharmacokinetics approach
1. Measure the concentration of the drug in plasma
2. Fit data to theoretical models
3. Determine parameters such as Cmax and Tmax
Uses of pharmacokinetics approach
Therapeutic efficacy
Drug interactions
Therapeutic drug monitoring
Interpretation and translation of preclinical data
Bioavailability and bioequivalence for drug regulators
Diffusion through cell membranes and epithelial barriers
Routes by which solutes cross cell membranes (diffusion directly through lipid, diffusion through aqueous pores, combine with a solute carrier or membrane transporter, and pinocytosis)
Volume of distribution (Vd)
The theoretical volume that all the drug would have to occupy if it were present at the same concentration as that found in plasma
Drugs with low Vd
Confined to plasma
Drugs with high Vd
Equilibrate with tissues
Drug clearance
The volume of plasma containing the total amount of drug removed from the body per unit time
Drug clearance
The sum of clearance rates for each elimination route, relating the rate of elimination to the drug's plasma concentration
Single compartment model
Assumes the patient is a single well-stirred compartment
Double compartment model
Involves a central (plasma) compartment and a peripheral compartment
Saturation kinetics
Disappearance of a drug from plasma is linear, irrespective of dose or concentration
Volume of distribution (Vd)
An apparent volume and a measure of how readily drug diffuses out of plasma into tissues
Calculating Vd
Vd = amount of drug in body / plasma conc.
Total clearance of a drug (CLtot)
The volume of plasma containing the total amount of drug removed from the body per unit time
Total clearance of a drug (CLtot)
The sum of clearance rates for each elimination route, relating the rate of elimination to the plasma concentration
Knowing clearance
Enables clinicians to calculate the dose rate needed to achieve the desired target steady-state concentration (Css)
Single compartment model assumes rates of absorption, metabolism, and excretion are directly proportional to drug concentration in the compartment
Two-compartment model adds a second exponential component to the Cp time course due to drug entering a peripheral compartment from the central (plasma) compartment
Double exponential kinetics has a fast and slow phase, with the slow phase providing an estimate of kel
Saturation kinetics apply to drugs where increasing drug concentration increases metabolism, such as ethanol, phenytoin, and salicylate
Saturation kinetics lead to zero-order kinetics, where disappearance from plasma is linear, irrespective of dose or Cp