How many lb does an adult brain weigh? about 3 pounds.
What percentage of the human brain is made up of water? About 75 percent
The human brain will grow how many times in the first year of life? three times
How many neurons are in the human brain? One hundred billion
Is it a fact of fiction that we only use 10% of our brains? Myth
The fastest speed for information to pass between neurons is how many mph? 250 mph
Phantom limb pain syndrome is when the central nervous system, which includes your brain, continues to feel the pain of a limb that has been amputated. True
The brain can't feel pain. It interprets pain signals sent to it, but it does not feel pain. True
Is brain freeze an actual thing? Yes
During the mummification process, Egyptians would usually remove the brains through which part of the body? the nose
Eyewitness accounts of criminal suspects is usually only about 50 percent accurate
Traumatic events can also affect the brains ability to remember details
Your brain uses 20 percent of the oxygen and blood in your body
It develops back to front, your frontal lobe is still under construction and will be until you are approx 25-30yrs!