Cards (38)

  • Accessory organs of the GI sysem

    • parotid salivary gland
    • sublingual & submandibular salivary gland
    • teeth/tongue
    • liver
    • gall bladder
    • pancreas
  • Sphincters of the GI tract?
    1. upper oesophageal
    2. Lower oesophageal
    3. pyloric
    4. ileocaecal
    5. anal (internal & external)
  • Layers of the gastrointestinal wall
    4 distinct layers:
    1. Serosa
    2. Muscularis externa
    3. Submucosa
    4. Mucosa
  • Serosa
    Outermost layer of the GI wall
    • Connective tissue and layer of squamus epithelial cells
    • Referred to as the adventitia in the oesophagus
  • Muscularis externa
    2nd layer of GI wall
    • outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle
    • inner circular layer of smooth muscle
    • contains myenteric nerve plexus, part of the enteric nervous system
  • Submucosa
    3rd layer of GI tract wall
    • connective tissue that links the mucosal and muscular layers
    • also contains blood supply and lymph vessels
    • contains submucosal nerve plexus, part of the enteric nerve system
  • Mucosa
    innermost layer of the GI wall
    • Muscular mucosae is a very thin layer of smooth muscle
    • Lamina propria is mostly connective tissue, but also includes some lymphatic tissue
    • epithelium containing both endocrine and exocrine cells
  • Region specialisation
    1. Oesophagus
    2. Stomach
    3. Small intestine
    4. Large intestine
  • Oesophagus
    smooth muscle facilitated transport
  • Stomach
    Storage, secretion, mixing, digestion (inner oblique muscle)
  • Small intestine
    secretion, mixing, majority of digestion, absorption
  • Large intestine
    limited absorption (water, ions), faeces formation, gut microbiota
  • Hormones secreted in GI wall
    1. Gastrin (G cells in stomach and small intestine): increase gastric acid secretion and mucosal growth
    2. Cholecystokinin (CCK) (I cells in small intestine): increase pancreatic secretions, decrease gastric emptying
    3. Secretin (S cells in small intestine): increase pancreatic secretions, decrease gastric acid secretion
    4. Gastric Inhibitory Peptide (GIP) (K cells in small intestine): increase insulin release, decrease gastric acid secretion
    5. Motilin (M cells in small intestine): increase gastric and intestinal motility
  • Smooth muscle functional syncytium
    digestion dependent on coordinated activity of smooth muscle
    Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) act as specialised pacemaker cells
    Individual cells joined with gap junctions to allow electrical coupling, which allow muscle cells to act as a single functional unit (syncytium)
  • Basal electric rhythm
    GI smooth muscle cells have a negative resting membrane potential (-55mV)
    Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) drive cyclical slow waves that form the basic electrical rhythm (BER)
    If a slow wave crosses the threshold potential, spike potentials occur which drive muscle contraction through calcium influx
  • Enteric nervous innervation
    Enteric nervous system (ENS) provides fine tuning of the basic electrical rhythm of GI tract
    Nutrients, stretch, pH and osmolarity can trigger ENS activity
    ENS can act independently of the CNS
    Is compromised of 2 interconnected plexuses:
    1. myenteric plexus (motility)
    2. submucosal plexus (secretion, blood flow)
  • Autonomic nervous innervation
    ANS can interface with the ENS or with smooth muscle directly
    Whilst under involuntary control, emotions such as fear and anxiety can alter the balance
    • excitatory to motility and secretion
    • innervate by vagus and sacral nerves
    • acetylcholine
    • inhibitory to motility and secretion
    • innervated by thoraco-lumbar nerves
    • Norepinephrine
  • Excitation-contraction coupling
    1. Membrane depolarisation induces calcium influx through voltage dependent calcium channels (VDCC)
    2. G-protein coupled receptors can induce Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum
    3. Increased intracellular calcium activates calmodulin
    4. Calmodulin activates myosin light chain kinase which phosphorylates myosin light chains
    5. Myosin heads pull actin filaments along, contracting muscle cell
  • Antimuscarinics
    smooth muscle relaxants
    eg Atropine
  • D2 agonists
    prokinetic drugs
    eg domperidone
  • Segmentation & peristalsis
    Segmentation (for mixing)
    • bursts of circular muscle contraction and relaxation (pendular movements)
    • No net movement
    • mechanical mixing facilitates chemical digestion
    Peristalsis (for propulsion)
    • digestion triggers conduction behind and relaxation in front of bolus
    • coordinated movement propels food along GI tract
    • relies on innervation from the myenteric plexus
  • Hirschsprung's disease
    nervous innervation pathophysiology
    rare congenital absence of the myenteric plexus in a distinct portion of the distal colon
    symptoms: excessive treatment resistant constipation
    treatment: surgical removal of the affected section
  • Process of swallowing
    (deglutition) enables the movement of food from mouth to the stomach
    coordinated muscular contractions result in peristalsis
    facilitated by:
    salivary secretions in mouth
    mucus in the pharynx and osephagus
  • Three phases of deglutition (swallowing)
    1. Voluntary (bolus into oropharynx)
    2. Pharyngeal (involuntary passage of bolus through pharynx into oesophagus)
    3. oesophageal (pharynx to stotmach)
  • Phase 1 of deglutition - Voluntary phase

    • upwards and back movement of tongue against palate forces bolus towards back of oral cavity
    • passage of bolus into oropharynx stimulates sensory receptors
  • Phase 2 of deglutition - Pharyngeal phase 

    • impulses travel to the medulla oblongata and pons in the CNS
    • efferent signals drive muscular contractions
    • soft palate and uvula block the nasopharynx
    • Epiglottis closes the larynx
    • relaxation of upper esophageal sphincter
    • pharyngeal muscle contractions push bolus into oeophagus
  • Oesophageal phase 

    • Peristaltic waves propel bolus along oesophagus towards stomach
    • relaxation of lower oesophageal sphincter allows passage into stomach
    • coordinated activity of myenteric plexus and vagal nerve innervation
  • Oesophageal motility pathophysiology - Achalasia
    absence of relaxation
    • lower oesophageal sphincter fails to relax
    • causing food to remain in oesophagus
    • causes distention, inflammation, infection and ulceration
    • treatment: physical manipulation, surgical cutting of lesion
  • Oesophageal motility pathophysiology - Gastro-oesophageal reflux (GERD)

    lower oesophageal sphincter tone lost
    leading to flow of acidic gastric contents into oesophagus
    causing inflammation, ulceration
    treatment: gastric acid secretion inhibitors
  • Motor functions of the stomach
    Receptive relaxation - fundus and upper body of stomach relax to accommodate larger columes, controlled by the vagovagal reflex
    Propulsion: slow peristaltic waves move stomach contents towards pyloric antrum
    Retropulsion: food forced back for further mixing
    Cyclical propulsion and retropulsion drives chyme production
  • Regulation of gastric emptying
    more powerful peristaltic contractions force chyme through pyloric sphincter
    Duodenal enterogastric reflexes
    acidity - chemoreceptors
    volume - mechanoreceptors
    osmolarity - osmoreceptors
    affect through endocrine system - secretin, CCK (cholecystokinin), GIP (gastric inhibitory peptide) all inhibit gastric emptying
    Signalling from duodenum slows gastric emptying by:
    • increasing pyloric sphincter contraction
    • reducing pyloric antrum contraction
  • Gastric motility pathophysiology - Dumping syndrome
    rapid emptying of gastric contents into small intestine
    causing abdominal cramping and diarrhoea within minutes
    sweating and fainting within hours
    treatment: dietary changes
  • Gastric motility pathophysiology - Gastroparesis
    gastric cancer or ulcers can prevent the stomach from emptying
    causing bloating and nausea
    treatment: prokinetic (increase motility) and antiemetic (treat nausea) medication
  • Motility in the small intestine
    nutrient absorption in small intestine
    Plicae circulares, mucosal vili and microvilli provide huge surface area
    Stretch receptors in small intestine trigger:
    • segmentation for maximum exposure to absorptive epithelium
    • propulsion of cyme via peristaltic waves
    Hormonal regulation of motility:
    • Excitation: motilin, insulin
    • Inhibition: secretin and glucagon
  • Propulsive peristaltic reflexes
    Autonomic reflexes drive peristaltic propulsion in small intestine
    Gastric distension promotes:
    • Gastroenteric reflex (peristalsis in duodenum)
    • Gastroileal reflex (peristalsis in ileum)
    Migrating motor complex
    • series of peristaltic contractions, between meals, every 90 mins, sweeping contents into colon
    • intrinsic enteric control - motilin
    • absence can lead to bacterial imbalances
  • Final stages of digestion in large intestine
    • water absorption in ascending and transverse colon
    • faeces formation and storage in descending colon
    • commensal microbiome in large intestine further aids digestion and formation of vitamins B and K
  • Motility in the large intestine
    Longitudinal muscle thickened in large intestine, contracting lenghtwise to form haustral bulges
    mixing via haustral churning
    propulsion via mass movements
    • forceful peristaltic contractions force contents into sigmoid colon and rectum (2-3x a day)
    • gastro-colic and duodeno-colic reflexes in response to stretch following a meal
  • Defecation reflex
    occurs in three step process:
    1. Faecal matter activates stretch receptors
    2. activating ENS
    3. signalling sacral spinal chord and parasympathetic ANS
    4. Parasympathetic innervation triggers involuntarily
    5. contraction of longitudinal muscle in rectum (shortening), increasing pressure and creating urge
    6. relaxation of internal anal sphincter
    7. External anal sphincter is voluntarily relaxed to allow defecation