
Cards (16)

  • subculture
    -group of pupils that share similar values & behaviour patterns
    -emerge as response to way pupils have been labelled
    -though streaming
  • pro-subculture
    -higher streams
    -middle class
    -committed to school values
    -gain status through academic success > 'approved' way
  • anti-school subculture
    -low streams
    -working class
    -search for alternative status from peers
    -inverting the school's values
  • Lacey (1970)
    proposed 2 concepts to explain how subcultures develop
  • differentiation
    -process > teachers categorising pupils
    -according to how they perceive their ability, attitude and/or behaviour
  • polarisation
    -process > pupils respond to streaming
    -moving towards one of two opposite 'poles' / extremes
  • self fulfilling prophecy
    -joining subculture means you're labelled
    -then fall into label
    -move to one pole and either succeed or fail
  • Ball
    abolishing streaming
  • Ball : abolishing streaming
    -studied comprehensive school in favour of abolishing banding
    -Ball found when banding was abolished, pupils had lesser reason to polarise to subcultures
  • Ball : differentiation
    -differentiation still occurred
    -teachers continued to label working & middle class differently
    -reflected in exam results
    -self fulfilling prophecy taken place
  • Furlong> A03
    -attachment to subculture not permanent
    -acting differently in lessons with teacher
  • Woods> AO3
    4 other responses to labelling:
  • ingratiation
    -being 'teacher's pet'
  • ritualism
    -going through motions
    -staying out of trouble
  • retreatism
    -mucking about
  • rebellion
    -outright rejection of everything school stands for