cell division

Cards (28)

  • What's the importance of cell division
    -repair and replacement of old and damaged cells&tissues
  • the nucleus has 46 chromosones that carry genes for making new organisms
  • strands of DNA make up our chromosones
  • genes are sections that has info to control a charactersitic in our body
    1. gene
    2. DNA
    3. chromosone
    4. nucleus
    5. cell
  • Mitosis is needed for growth, replacement of damaged and dead cells and reproduction
  • Multicellular organisms need cells to divide so that organisms can grow and repair damaged tissue
  • Cell cycle
    The series of stages that a cell goes through as it is growing and dividing
  • Cell cycle
    1. Cell growth
    2. DNA replicates
    3. Mitosis
    (mitotic phase)
  • Mitosis
    The stage of the cell cycle when the cell divides
  • Before a cell can divide, it must grow and make copies of all the organelles such as mitochondria and ribosomes
  • The cell must also replicate the chromosomes in the nucleus, then it can divide by mitosis
  • Mitosis
    1. Two complete sets of chromosomes are pulled to opposite sides of the cell
    2. Two new nuclei form
    3. Cell splits into two daughter cells
  • The daughter cells are both genetically identical to the parent cell
  • Cell differentiation is the process where cells change to become specialised to do a certain job
  • Gamete
    Sex cell (sperm in males and ova/eggs in females)
  • During fertilisation, two haploid gametes fuse to form one diploid cell
  • Mitosis
    • A form of cell division which produces two identical, diploid body cells
  • Haploid cells

    Contains only 1 set of chromosones
  • Diploid
    contains 2 sets of chromosones
  • karytope
    shows the full set of chromosones of an individual of arranged in sequence
  • mitosis
    before the cell divides, it copies its DNA and form x shaped chromosones
    the chromosones line up across the centre of the cell
    a membrane forms in each half of the nuclei
    the cytoplasm then divides making 2 identical cells (cytokinesis)
  • Why is cell specialisation important for the development and growth of a healthy baby from a fertilised egg?

    cells diffenteriate to form different tissues and organs to peform functions
  • turner syndrome
    only affects females. results when one of the x chromosones is missing/partially missing
  • chromosone abnormalties occur with older cells and cell division
  • 90% of a cells life is in interphase
  • a cell checkpoint is to check that the cell is growing and replicating DNA correctly before division. if a cell fails a checkpoint, it will self destruct (Apoptosis)
  • somantic cell - not a sex cell