Small organisms have a large surface area to volume ratio
Large organisms have a small surface area to volume ratio
Specialised exchange surfaces:
Increased surface area
Thin layers
Good blood supply
Ventilation to maintain diffusion gradient
Increased surface area provides the area needed for exchange and overcome the limitation of SA:V ratio of larger organisms.
Thin layers means the distances that substances have to diffuse are short
Good blood supply means the steeper the concentration gradient, the faster the rate of diffusion. Good blood supply also means substances are constantly delivered and removed from the exchange surface.
Ventilation to maintain diffusion gradients, for gases a ventilation system helps maintain concentration gradients making the process more efficient.
Nasal cavity:
a large surface area with a good blood supply, which warms the air to body temperature
a hair lining, which separates mucus, traps dust and bacteria, protecting delicate lung tissue
moist surfaces, increases humidity, reducing evaporation from exchange surfaces
wide tube supported by incomplete rings of strong flexible cartilage, which stops trachea from collapsing
the trachea and its branches are lined with ciliated epithelium with goblet cells
goblet cells secrete mucus onto lining to trap microorganisms
the cilia moves the dust away and most goes into the throat and swallowed
trachea divides into left and right bronchus
similar structure to the trachea but smaller
the smaller bronchioles have no cartilage rings
the walls contain smooth muscle, when the muscle contracts, the bronchioles constrict visa versa.
this changes the amount of air reaching the lungs
bronchioles are lined with a layer of flattened epithelium, making some gaseous exchange possible
tiny air sacs, main gaseous exchange surface
consists of a layer of epithelial cells along with collagen and elastic fibres
these elastic tissues allow the alveoli to stretch as air is drawn down
when they return to resting size, they squeeze air out... this is called elastic recoil.
diaphragm contracts, flattens and lowers
the external intercostals contract
ribs move up and out
volume of thorax increases, so pressure is reduced
diaphragm relax and move up
external intercostals relax
ribs move down and in
elastic fibres in alveoli return to normal length
volume of thorax decreases, so pressure is greater than pressure in atmospheric air
Exhaling using energy:
diaphragm & external intercostal relaxes
ribs move up and out
rectus abdominus contract
Internal intercostals contracts
erythrocyte = red blood cell
Tidal volume is the volume of air breathed in and out in one breath at rest
Vital capacity is the volume of air expired after one maximum inspiration
Ventilation rate is the volume of air moved in and out in 1 minute
closed system so the patient must wear a nose clip
soda lime absorbs carbon dioxide, this means that the volume of air in the spirometer is reducing, therefore the line will fall.
A simple spirometer consists of a weighted drum, containing oxygen inverted over a chamber of water, a tube connects the air filled chamber with subjects mouth and soda lime in the system absorbs the carbon dioxide breathed out.
During inspiration:
air is removed from the chamber, the drum sinks and an upwards deflection is recorded on the paper on the rotating drum
During expiration:
air is added to the chamber, the drum rises and a downward deflection is recorded
Inspiratory reserve volume is the volume that can be breathed in by a maximum inspiration at the end of a normal inspiration
Expiratory reserve volume is the volume that can be breathed out by a maximum effort at the end of a normal expiration
Residual volume is the volume of air remaining in the lungs at the end of a maximum expiration