Unit 11 - Emotions

Cards (32)

  • Basic Emotions: intrest, distress, disgust, contentment, later anger sadness, joy, surprise, fear
  • Complex emotions: Self conscious emotion: embarrassment, shame, guilt, envy, pride
  • Your parental reaction will affect your growing up and your adult years
  • Emotional Display rules: supressing and expressing rules (appropriate to society)
  • Emotional Self-Regulation: positively related to language development, harder for boys to do
  • Social referencing: using others' emotions as a guide to our own emotions
  • Empathy is a learned responce, not an innate one
  • Emotional Intelligence: The ability to understand and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others
  • Temperament: reacting emotionally and behaviorally to the environment
  • Heritability in temperament is somewhat correlated
  • Environmental Influences can affect one's temperament and are most influenced by positive experiences in shared environments, while negative experiences in non-shared enviroments
  • Behavioural Inhibition: Children show little inhibition, they are more likely to act on their impulses
  • Thomas and Chess Temperamental Profiles:
    • Easy (40%)
    • Difficult (10%)
    • Slow-to-warm-up (15%)
    • Unique (35%)
  • Goodness to Fit Model: relation to the parent's caregiving style, and the child's temperament.
    low positivity from the parent causes problems in children's reactions
  • Attachment: a Close emotional relationship between two people, mutual affection, and desire to maintain procimity
  • John Bowlby: described positive attachment in reciprocal relationships
  • Four phases in attachment development:
    • Asocial
    • Indiscriminate
    • Specific
    • Multiple
  • Mary Ainsworth: apart from attachment, you also need a secure base. Someone you can always return to who you can rely on
  • Learning Theoriest: Food is a primary Reinforcer of attachement, and the mother becomes a secondary reinforcer
  • Psychoanalytic Theorists: Oral gratification (use of food)
  • Delayed Gratification: Psychoanalytic can cause issues with attachment and cause a child to be selfish and demanding
  • Cognitive-development view: children will form scemas in order to form attachement (like object permanence)
  • Etholgical (evolutionary) view: attachment to the figure that is helping us, immetiatly after hatching, and is irriversible
  • What behaviours are adaptive: elicit care and attention: smiling , grasping, rooting, and babbleing. Increases the likelyhood of being cared for
  • Attachment related fears:
    stranger anxiety: negitive reaction to an unfamiliar person
    Separation Anxiety: Discomfort when separated from someone who is the attachment
  • Ethological viewpoint on Attachment: Biological Fears
  • Cognitive-Developmental Viewpoint on attachement fears: need to be some level of understanding of what is safe or not safe based on schemas. "all brown haired people are safe because mom has brown hair"
  • Four different attachment Styles: Secure, (anxious) ambivalent, (a)avoidant, and (a)disorganized.
  • Avoidant Attachement: little distress and seeks no comfort (rejecting or overstimulating caregiver)
  • disorganized attachement: will be wishy washy on how they act (usually due to Abuse)
  • Ambivalent attachement: Stays attached to mom, explores little, wary of strangers, and doesnt react she returns after leaving (inconsistant caregiver)
  • The Six different temperaments:
    • Fearful
    • Irritable
    • Positive
    • Activity
    • Attention span
    • rhythmicity