Cards (21)

  • the pituitary gland gives off the hormone TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and controls thyroid production of thyroxine
  • the pituitary gland gives off the hormone ADH (antidiuretic hormone) and controls water and salt concentration
  • the pituitary gland gives off the hormone FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and controls the maturation of an egg in the ovary
  • the adrenal gland gives off the hormone adrenaline and controls the heartrate, flight, fight and freeze response
  • the ovaries give off the hormone oestrogen and progesterone which control the menstrual cycle and female puberty
  • the testes give off the hormones testosterone which control sperm production and male puberty
  • the pancreas gives off the hormones insulin and glucagon which control blood sugar levels
  • the thyroid gland gives off the hormone thyroxine which controls the metabolic rate
  • type 1 diabetes: caused by the pancreas failing to make any insulin and usually starts in young children
  • type 2 diabetes: caused by the pancreas being able to make too much insulin but not enough to cope with the amount of food being taken in, makes cells less reactive to insulin and is usually associated with elderly or obese people
  • people with diabetes
    • need to be careful about the level of carbohydrates they eat (will raise their blood sugar)
    • they need to eat regular meals
    • they need to exercise regularly (can lower blood sugar so they need to be careful)
    • need to monitor blood levels everyday
    • some people have insulin pumps that can regulate their blood sugar levels
  • is there a cure for diabetes
    no, but some ways are being looked at that could cure it
  • ways to help control diabetes
    • balanced diet (controlling the intake of carbs)
    • regular exercise
    • weight loss
    how excess glucose is stored
    the hormone (makes the liver brake down glycogen into glucose)
  • how does the pancreas lower blood sugar?
    when blood sugar level get too high it promotes insulin release in the pancreas, insulin is then released which stimulates glycogen breakdown (glucose -> glycogen) which lowers blood sugar levels
  • how does the pancreas increase blood sugar?
    when blood sugar levels get too low it promotes glucagon release in the pancreas, glucagon is then released which stimulates glycogen formation (glycogen -> glucose) which raises blood sugar levels
  • stages of IVF
    • gives the mother FSH and LH to stimulate maturation of several eggs
    • the eggs are collected from the mother and fertilised by sperm
    • the fertilised eggs the develop into embryos
    • when they're tiny balls of cells, one or two embryos are inserted back into the mother's uterus
  • what is the master gland?
    Pituitary gland
  • what is a target organ?
    an organ that the hormone effects and brings out a response