Types of Wheelchairs

Cards (5)

  • Standard wheelchair:
    • self propelling - can tell by the rim on the outside of the wheel
    • used for people who need to go around their community, can also be used long term
  • Sports wheelchair:
    • has fixed foot plates
    • narrower than standard wheelchair
    • lower back support
    • is self propelling
    • sometimes the wheels are offset at an angle as well
  • Reclining Wheelchair:
    • can be self propelling, but most pts using these wont self propel
    • levers at the back allow it to be reclined
    • leg plates can also be elevated - helpful for full length plasters and for people who are more likely to fatigue due to increase in postural demands
    • does have issues such as an opening which means arm can fall out, the hip angle is being opened out which means they can slip out
  • Cirrus wheelchair:
    • shares a similarity with the reclining wheelchair, but takes away some disadvantages
    • once again for people with postural stability requirements
    • the back is moulded to cup around pts - providing support to the trunk and head which is adjustable
    • leg support has an additional calf support
    • whole chair can be tilted back / reclined - keeping the hips at 90 degrees, allowing gravity to assist the pelvis being pushed into seat
  • Make sure to put pressure relief cushions on the chair if the pts require it