Module 7: Philosophy

Cards (37)

  • philosophy: study of processes governing thought and conduct, human morals
  • ethics is a moral branch of philosophy, systematic account of right and wrong
  • what is the order of philosophers (oldest first)?
    1. Aristotle
    2. Rene Descartes
    3. Immanuel Kant
    4. Jeremy Bentham
  • Aristotle was a greek philosopher who tutored Alexander the great and influenced how he ruled
  • which philosopher was the first biologist in western tradition?
    aristotle, studied human and animal anatomy by dissections
  • how did aristotle classify a good life?
    person cultivates and excersises rational faculties, requires use of rational mind
  • what did aristole consider as rational faculties?
    • engage in scientific inquiry
    • philosophical discussion
    • artistic creation
    • legislation for society
  • how did aristotle believe one could have a happy life?
    work towards best/highest good
  • mind/body duality: rationality is seperate and superior to emotionality
  • how did aristotle define body happiness?
    looking for things that cause temporary pleasure
  • order of great chain of being (low to high)
    1. matter
    2. plants
    3. animals
    4. children
    5. adult females
    6. adult males
    7. god
  • matter: no activity
  • plants: grow and reproduce
  • animals: motility and sensation
  • children: language learning, no reason
  • adult females: emotional/not rational
  • adult males: ability to reason
  • god: pure rationality/thought
  • what is one higher on the great chain of being granted?
    duty to rule those below
  • what does it mean that animals are lower on the chain of being than humans?
    animals exist for the purpose of humans
  • why did pythagoras disagree with the chain of being?
    thought animals could have a soul of reincarnated humans
  • what philosopher said "I think therefore I am"?
    Rene Descartes
  • what was rene descartes philosophy?
    world is composed of matter and intellect, mind is seperate from body
  • how did Rene Descartes agree with aristotle?
    only humans can be rational, making animals matter
  • why did rene descartes think animals couldn't suffer?
    no awareness of sensations
  • what was the purpose of descartes tests for having a mind?
    determine whether processing sense with knowledge or responding to stimulus
  • what are the tests for having a mind?
    1. speech vs. response to stimuli
    2. acting from knowledge vs. disposition of organs
  • what are animals because they don't have a mind according to descartes?
    complex machines
  • how did descartes modify his position?
    mind is not entirely independent of body, animals have some thoughts humans experience but less mind/body duality
  • what was immanual kants philosophy?
    moral status is based on ability to reason and rationality
  • kant believed each person has intrinsic value: value/worth without any requirement
  • deontology (kant): ethical actions follow universal moral laws
  • why did kant believe a good end doesn't justify the means?
    motivation/intention determines morality of action
  • why did kant think humans have an indirect obligation to animals?
    hurting animals is wrong because it can hurt humans
  • what was jeremy bentham's philosophy?
    utilitarian: consider suffering, all who have moral status count equally
  • utilitarian philosophy says something is ethical if good outweighs the bad
  • what are the problems with utilitiarianism?
    • how to quantify factors
    • summing value leads to property of a group but utilitarianism considers an individual