simple form of learning which occurs through repeated association of two different stimuli to produce a naturally occurring response
neutral stimulus (NS)
stimulus prior to conditioning that doesntevoke a response
unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
stimulus which consistently produces a naturallyoccurring, automatic response
unconditioned response (UCR)
response which occurs automatically/ involuntarily when the UCS is presented
conditioned stimulus (CS)
stimulus that is neutral at start of conditioning process, does not normally produce the UCR, but through repeatedassociation with the UCS it triggers the same response
conditioned response (CR)
a learned behaviour which is similar to UCR, which is triggered by the CS after conditioning
the three phase process
before conditioning, NS = no response
three phase process
before- NS = no response UCS = UCR 2. during- NS + UCS through repeated association = UCR 3. after- CS = CR
operant conditioning
learning process by which likelihoodofaparticularbehaviouroccurring is determined by the consequences of that behaviour
stimulus that triggers an action (environment)
any action to environment
makes behaviour more or less likely to occur again, guides or shapes the future
positive reinforcement
response followed by a positive event/reward which increases the likelihood of response occurring again
negative reinforcement
the removal, reduction or prevention of an unpleasant stimulus increases likelihood of behaviour being repeated
positive punishment
response is followed by a negative undesirable experience/consequence which decreases likelihood of response occurring again
negative punishment (response cost)
when something desirable is removed to decrease likelihood of response occurring again
observational learning
when someone uses observation of a models actions/consequences of those actions to guide their future actions
who or what is being observedlive= real life personsymbolic= real or fictional character
attention= learner must actively watch modelretention= must remember a mentalrepresentation to use reproduction= mental +physicalability to perform behaviour motivation= desiretoimitate/ reproduce behaviour reinforcement= influencesmotivation to reproduce behaviour and the likelihood of reproduction
vicarious conditioning
individual watching models behaviour being either reinforced or punished, acting accordingly
vicarious reinforcement
increases likelihood of observer behaving in a similar way to model whos behaviour is reinforced
external reinforcement
comparable to learning by consequences
self reinforcement
when we are reinforced by meeting certain standards of performance we set for ourselves
using a variety of methods
refers to the traditional lands of a particular language/cultural group, including the spiritual, emotional and physical connection to and within it.
systems of knowledge
developed by communities working together sharing traditional expertise that's informed by culture, info that is highly connected