Week 8

Cards (48)

  • psychodynamic theory

    a theory put forward by Sigmund Freud in which psychic energy moves among the compartments of the personality: id, ego, and superego
  • psychoanalysis
    Sigmund Freud's treatment approach based on his psychodynamic theory
  • id
    the component of Sigmund Freud's personality theory containing primitive drives present at birth
  • ego
    the component of Sigmund Freud's personality that is the self that others see
  • superego
    the component of Sigmund Freud's personality theory that internalizes society's rules for right and wrong, or the conscience
  • defense mechanism
    in Sigmund Freud's personality theory, a protective behavior that reduces anxiety
  • psychosexual stage

    a stage in Sigmund Freud's theory of the developing personality
  • five psychosexual stages of personality development
    oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
  • conscious
    ideas, thoughts, and feelings of which we are aware
  • preconscious
    material that can be easily recalled
  • unconscious
    well below the surface of awareness
  • neo-Freudian
    a theorist who attempted to update and modify Sigmund Freud's original theory of personality
  • unconscious mind
    the part of mental activity that cannot be voluntarily retrieved
  • collective unconscious
    composed of our common psychological predispositions as humans passed from generation to generation
  • trait
    a stable personality characteristic
  • big five theory

    a trait theory that identifies five main characteristics that account for most individual differences in personality
  • openness
    a big five personality trait characterized by an appreciation for fantasy, feelings, actions, ideas, values and aesthetics
  • conscientiousness
    a big five personality trait characterized by competence, order, dutifulness, achievement striving, self-discipline, and deliberation
  • extroversion
    one of the big five traits characterized by warmth, gregariousness, assertiveness, activity, excitement seeking, and positive emotion; opposite of introversion
  • introversion
    one of the big five traits characterized by coolness, reserve, passivity, inactivity, caution, and negative emotion; opposite of extroversion
  • agreeableness
    a big five personality trait characterized by trustworthiness, altruism, trust, compliance, modesty, and tender mindedness
  • neuroticism
    a big five personality trait characterized by anxiety, angry hostility, depression, self-consciousness, impulsivity, and vulnerability
  • social-cognitive learning theory

    a theory of personality that features cognition and learning, especially from the social environment, as important sources of individual differences in personality
  • locus of control
    a cognitive expectancy featured in social-cognitive learning theories of personality about the source of individual outcomes
  • external locus of control
    sees outcomes as resulting from luck or chance
  • internal locus of control
    sees outcomes as the result of individual effort
  • reciprocal determinism
    a social-cognitive learning theory of personality that features the mutual influence of the person and that of the situation on each other
  • self-efficacy
    confidence in your abilities to gain reinforcement
  • temperament
    a child's pattern of mood, activity, or emotional responsiveness linked to later personality
  • biological variables connected to personality
    temperament, genetic predispositions, brain structure
  • reactivity
    differences in people's responses to novel/challenging stimuli
  • personality inventory
    an objective test, often using numbered scales or multiple choice, used to assess personality
  • projective test

    a test of personality based on Freudian theory that provides an ambiguous stimulus onto which test takers "project" their personality
  • self
    patterns of thought, feelings, and actions we perceive in our own minds
  • ABCs of the self
    affect, behavior, cognition
  • self-concept
    people's description of their own characteristics
  • self-schema
    a cognitive organization that helps us think about the self and process self-relevant information
  • self-reference effect (SRE)

    we process self-relevant information differently than information about others
  • self-awareness
    knowledge of your own internal traits, feelings, roles, and memories; allows us to establish boundaries between the self and other people
  • self-consciousness
    our awareness of our own characteristics and the way the self is perceived by others