due to to the interplay between alveolar pressure (PA), arterial pressure (Pa), venous pressure (PV), tissue pressure (PT)
West’s Zones and Perfusion - lower zones:
alveoli become smaller due to more positive pressure
so less pressure on vasculature
so more blood flow (perfusion)
optimal perfusion is in zone 3
in zone 4 the weight of the lung starts to squash the vasculature - decrease in perfusion
West’s Zones and Perfusion - upper zones:
bigger alveoli at apices due to negative pressureopeningalveoli up
so puts pressure /squashes on vasculature
so less blood flow (perfusion) occurs
there is between blood supply (perfusion) at the middle to bottom aspects of the lungs
Distribution of perfusion is affected by the interaction of alveolar pressure, arterial pressure and tissue (lung) pressure AND fractional geometry (branching) of pulmonary artery
Gravity also has some limited effect
V/Q Perfusion Summary:
Blood flowincreasesdownupright lung - due to there being more positive pleural pressure on the way down, so less alveolar pressuresquashing the vasculature - increase in perfusion
Non-dependent to dependent regional perfusion is influenced by:
interaction of pulmonary artery, alveolar & tissuepressures
pulmonary artery vascular geometry
Distribution affected by posture & exercise - in side lying the lung on the bottom will have more positive pleural pressure, so lessalveolar pressure squashing the vasculature - increase in perfusion