Distribution of Perfusion in Normal Lung

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  • West’s Zones and Perfusion:
    • lung divided into 4 zones
    • better perfusion at the lower lungs
    • due to to the interplay between alveolar pressure (PA), arterial pressure (Pa), venous pressure (PV), tissue pressure (PT)
  • West’s Zones and Perfusion - lower zones:
    • alveoli become smaller due to more positive pressure
    • so less pressure on vasculature
    • so more blood flow (perfusion)
    • optimal perfusion is in zone 3
    • in zone 4 the weight of the lung starts to squash the vasculature - decrease in perfusion
  • West’s Zones and Perfusion - upper zones:
    • bigger alveoli at apices due to negative pressure opening alveoli up
    • so puts pressure /squashes on vasculature
    • so less blood flow (perfusion) occurs
    • there is between blood supply (perfusion) at the middle to bottom aspects of the lungs
    • Distribution of perfusion is affected by the interaction of alveolar pressure, arterial pressure and tissue (lung) pressure AND fractional geometry (branching) of pulmonary artery
    • Gravity also has some limited effect
  • V/Q Perfusion Summary:
    • Blood flow increases down upright lung - due to there being more positive pleural pressure on the way down, so less alveolar pressure squashing the vasculature - increase in perfusion
    • Non-dependent to dependent regional perfusion is influenced by:
    • interaction of pulmonary artery, alveolar & tissue pressures
    • pulmonary artery vascular geometry
    • Distribution affected by posture & exercise - in side lying the lung on the bottom will have more positive pleural pressure, so less alveolar pressure squashing the vasculature - increase in perfusion