Management of Hypoxic Patient

Cards (5)

  • Management of Hypoxic Patient:
    • Oxygen therapy +/- humidification - to help moisten and clear secretions (this is always the priority)
    • Positioning
    • To maximise V/Q
    • To relieve breathlessness
    • To assist drainage of secretions
    • ACBT
    • breathing control + + if breathless
    • Tailored cycle
  • Hypoxic patient with consolidated R lower lobe pneumonia:
    • would be breathless - due to hypoxia and pneumonia (inflammation of lungs so cant participate in gas exchange)
    • oxygen therapy - provide high (40-60%) fio2 (as pts is not as risk of hypercapnia e.g. copd or cf) via venturi mask - fixed o2 concentration and delivers high flowrate
    • pts in left sidelying (right side has disease) to optimise V/Q ratio
    • high left sidelying to mix optimising V/Q ratio and reduce breathlessness
    • ACBT focus on breathing control (promote relaxation and prevent hyperventilation) and remove secretions
  • Hypoxic and breathless patient with L lower lobe atelectasis:
    • Oxygen therapy - 40 to 60% via a venturi mask as the pts is breathless, humidify o2 to mobilise secretions
    • right sidelying (to optimise V/Q ratio) as left lung as collapsed (atelectasis) - also assists drainage of sputum from left lower lobe (atelectasis could be caused by sputum block)
    • ACBT - focus on breathing control as the pts is breathless and modify thoracic expansion exercises (do 2 instead of 5 as the pts is breathless)
    • the bird - to mobilise secretions during thoracic expansion exercises
  • Hypoxic and productive patient with a chest infection R middle lobe:
    • oxygen therapy at 40 to 60% (venturi mask as its high flowrate) with humidification to mobilise secretions
    • quarter left sidelying to mobilise secretions and optimise V/Q mismatch
    • use the bird to mobilise secretions
    • manual techniques to mobilise secretions
  • Hypoxic and breathless patient with exacerbation of COPD:
    • 24% (low amount as they have copd so at risk of hypercapnia) o2 via venturi mask to keep it fixed
    • pts position in high sitting or right side lying
    • ACBT to mobilise sputum
    • breathing control to relax pts and reduce hyperventilation