learning approaches (behaviourist, social learning)

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  • Behaviourist approach

    Approach that focuses on observable behaviour and how it is learned through conditioning
  • The behaviourist approach was first developed by researchers like Pavlov and Skinner
  • Behaviourist approach

    • Focuses on observable behaviour that can be measured and studied
    • Believes that all behaviour is learned through classical or operant conditioning
  • Classical conditioning

    1. Pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus until the neutral stimulus elicits a conditioned response
    2. Demonstrated by Pavlov's research with dogs
  • Operant conditioning
    1. Learning through the consequences of behaviour, with reinforcement increasing the likelihood of a behaviour and punishment decreasing it
    2. Demonstrated by Skinner's research with rats and pigeons
  • Behaviourists view humans and animals as 'blank slates' whose behaviour is shaped by their environment and experiences
  • Behaviourists believe that all behaviour, including human thought and emotion, can be explained in terms of stimulus and response
  • Social learning theory
    Approach that emphasizes how people learn through observing and imitating others
  • Social learning theory
    • Agrees that behaviour is learned but proposes that it occurs through observation and imitation, not just direct conditioning
    • Recognizes the role of cognitive factors like attention, retention, motor reproduction, and motivation in learning
  • Vicarious reinforcement
    Learning by observing the consequences of others' behaviour
  • Identification
    Process where people, especially children, are more likely to imitate those they identify with as role models