People can be educated in how to reduce their chances of being bitten.
This knowledge is easily and quickly transferred within local communities
Bed nets are one of the easiest and cheapest ways of preventing being bitten
Bed nets are often used as fishing nets, washing off the insecticide
Rapid diagnostic tests (RDT)
Allow for a quick and accurate diagnosis of malaria.
Barefoot Doctors
Provide health education, administer basic first aid, and refer people to health centres in rural areas.
Many developing countries have introduced their own version of Barefoot Doctor practices
Charities e.g. Water Aid
One target is to improve sanitation by installing facilities such as pitlatrines.
Charities' (e.g. WaterAid) water projects have improved access to drinkingwater.
Development is a process that leads to improvement or progress towards a goal
Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being
Primary health care (PHC) is essential healthcare provided close to home which meets most of the population’s needs
PHC focuses on prevention rather than cure
Increased life expectancy is an indicator of improved health
PHC aims to promote healthy living through education and preventative measures
PHC focuses on treating common illnesses and injuries rather than complex conditions
Reduced infant mortality rate is an indicator of improved health
Improved access to clean water is an indicator of improved health
People can be shown the importance of insect repellents to deter mosquitoes from landing on the skin.
People can be taught to cover their skin at dawn/dusk when mosquitoes are most active.
Bed Nets
People can be encouraged to use insecticide-coated mosquito nets at night.
Bed nets
Protect people at night when they are at their most vulnerable
Bed nets have been found to reduce the risk of contracting malaria by up to 50%.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends using insecticide-treated bed nets as part of its strategy to control malaria transmission.
Ash compost from latrines can improve crop yield so reduces malnutrition.
Communities are empowered to manage their own water resources effectively.
Local water committees are trained on operation and maintenance to ensure long-term success
Water aid educate people on good hygiene practices such as hand washing to reduce water borne diseases.
Barefoot doctors are suitable as some people are illiterate in low-income countries.
Effective communication strategies include the use of simple language, visual aids, and interactive sessions that encourage participation and feedback.