
Subdecks (2)

Cards (88)

  • Iambic
  • Trochaic
  • Anapestic
  • Dactylic
  • Pyrrhic
  • Spondaic
  • Foot
    rhythmical unit; stressed/unstressed
  • Meter
    sequence of feet
  • Rhyming scheme
    rhythmical patterns
  • Poem
    literary text that conveys message
  • Theme
    message that poem wants to convey
  • Close reading

    examines literary elements
  • Structuralist Approach

    considers universal structures reflected in texts; relating text to larger structures (genres, intertextual connections) where conclusions can be made.
  • Formalist Approach

    common questions about plot, characters, settings, etc.
  • Robert Frost
    known for nature/rural related themed poems
  • What did Robert frost win and how many times?
    Pulitzer prize for poetry; 4 times
  • jobs of RF and when
    farmer and teacher before pursuing poetry
  • first poem of RF
    A Boy's Will
  • 3 famous poems of RF
    "Stopping by woods on a snowy evening"; "Road not Taken"; "Birches"
  • influenced his poems
  • RF dates
  • Feminist Theory

    expose misogynistic views in lit.
  • Marxist Theory

    believes the cycle chaos and tension between classes; economy related
  • Reader's Response

    Own interpretation of readers
  • Cohesion
    sentence level;
  • Coherence
    paragraph level
  • Transitions
    words/phrases that connect stuff to help create CHS and CHR and flow w/in piece
  • 7 transtitions
    • addition
    • conclusion
    • example
    • time/sequence
    • comparison
    • contrast
    • effect