Brain storming and outlining

Cards (35)

  • This reviewer contains the lessons' overview, important terminologies, and their meanings
  • As a student, it is also your responsibility to further study your lessons and do research to broaden your knowledge and understanding
  • Brainstorming
    Process of writing down specific topics from different sources
  • Different Types of Brainstorming
    • Idea Listing
    • Idea Mapping
    • Cubing
    • Free Writing
    • Researching
  • Idea Listing
    Involves listing down ideas about a particular topic
  • Idea Mapping
    Visual representation of ideas and their connections with one another, also known as "web clustering"
  • Cubing
    An idea is examined from 6 distinct viewpoints: Describe, Compare, Associate, Analyze, Apply, Argue
  • Free Writing
    Writing what comes into your mind, without inhibitions and not minding errors in spelling and grammar
  • Researching
    Going to the library or checking out websites on the internet, then making a list or map of main ideas
  • Steps in writing a brainstorming list
    1. Think of a general topic
    2. Brainstorm ideas based on the topic and make a list
    3. Use lines, arrows, asterisks, or whatever works for you to illustrate connections
    4. Cross out topics that might not generate or add enough information for writing
    5. Choose two of the remaining topics in your list and free write about each chosen topic for five minutes
  • Advantages of Brainstorming
    • Encourages creative thinking
    • All ideas are accepted
    • It makes everyone part of the team
    • It is exciting and easy
  • Disadvantages of Brainstorming
    • It only works when everyone in the room has something to say
    • Without strict control or leader present, the group may take a long time to get the solution
    • Group with large members will not be effective
    • People with high emotions are not allowed
  • Graphic Organizers

    Visual representation of concepts that help us structure information into organizational patterns
  • Different Kinds of Graphic Organizers
    • Mind Map
    • Venn Diagram
    • Flow Chart
    • Hierarchical Topical Organizer
    • Problem-Solution Map
    • Timeline (Linear, Comparative)
    • Plot Diagram
    • Cycle
  • Mind Map
    Used to represent knowledge of a concept or idea, useful for brainstorming and exploring
  • Venn Diagram
    Shows similarities and differences
  • Flow Chart

    Used to show the different steps in a process
  • Hierarchical Topical Organizer

    Shows the order of ideas and their place in a hierarchy
  • Problem-Solution Map
    Displays the nature of the problem and how it can be solved
  • Timeline
    Shows how events occurred chronologically through a long bar labeled with dates and specific events
  • Plot Diagram
    Used to map events in the story and/or analyze major parts of a plot
  • Cycle
    Describes a series of events that interact to produce a set of results repeatedly
  • Topic Outline
    A hierarchical way to organize and structure the main ideas and supporting details of a writing project or a presentation
  • Components of Topic Outline
    • Main topic or heading
    • Primary points you want to discuss in your writing (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)
    • Subtopics or subheadings
    • Secondary points that support and elaborate on the main topic (A, B, C, etc.)
    • Details and supporting information
  • Steps in creating a topic outline
    1. Choose a topic
    2. Identify Main Ideas
    3. Arrange Main Ideas
    4. Add Subtopics
    5. Organize Subtopics
    6. Use Consistent Formatting
    7. Review and Revise
    8. Finalize Outline
  • Tips in writing a topic outline
    • Be clear and concise
    • Maintain consistency
    • Follow a logical order
    • Use parallelism
    • Review and Revise
  • Outline
    Shows how parts of a text are related to one another as parts that are of equal importance, or sections that are subordinate to main ideas
  • Outlining
    Planning for writing or creating a summary that gives the essential features of a text
  • Outline Formats
    • Alphanumeric
    • Decimal
  • Principles of Outlining
    • Coordination
    • Subordination
    • Division
    • Parallel Construction
  • Techniques of Outlining
    • Brainstorming
    • Organizing
    • Ordering
    • Labeling
  • Sentence Outline
    A type of outline that uses full sentences, providing a more detailed and comprehensive overview of the content
  • Purpose of Sentence Outline
    To organize the structure of a written work clearly and logically, and to help writers plan and organize their ideas, ensuring that there is a coherent flow of information
  • Difference between Topic Outline and Sentence Outline
    • Topic Outline uses words and phrases for headings, is comparatively easy to prepare
    • Sentence Outline uses complete sentences for headings, takes more time to prepare
  • Components of Sentence Outline
    • Thesis statement
    • Purpose of the author
    • Main topic
    • Subtopics
    • Supporting details