Key Terms

    Cards (79)

    • Primary data?
      Data that hasn't been published before
    • Secondary data?
      Data that has already been published
    • Meta-analysis?
      Statistical technique for combining the findings of several studies of a certain area of research
    • Qualitative data?
      Data in the form of words
    • Quantitative data?
      Data in the form of numbers
    • Open questions?
      Questions that require the participant to answer in their own words
    • Closed questions?
      Questions where the participants are given a predefined set of responses to choose from
    • Independent variable?
      Variable that is manipulated/changed
    • Dependent variable?
      Variable that alters as a result of the IV/measured variable
    • Extraneous variables?
      Variables that influence the outcome of the experiment, not the variables under investigation- some are random
    • Reliability?
      About consistency-how much we depend on any particular measurement. If it's repeatable
    • What are the two types of reliability?
      Test-retest reliability and inter-observer reliability
    • What is inter-observer reliability?
      The extent to which there's an agreement between two or more observers who have observed the same thing
    • What is test-retest reliability?
      Ability to produce the same results every time the test is carried out
    • Validity?
      Authentic and accurate picture of reality
    • Standardisation?
      Way of limited demand characteristics and investigator effects
    • Randomisation?
      Putting a series of things into random orders so each one isn't predictable from the previous sequence
    • Demand characteristics?
      Cues or clues in a research setting that may lead participants to behave in a certain way
    • Interviewer effect?
      Interviewers appearance can cause changes in the respondents answers
    • Pilot study?
      To make any amendments to any problems that may arise from the research
    • What is a filler question?
      Questions that is designed to distract participants and reduce demand characteristics
    • Lab experiment?
      experiment that is conducted under highly controlled conditions
      IV is manipulated and DV is measured
    • Field experiments?

      An experiment tat is conducted in a real world situation
    • Natural experiments?

      Occurs when the researcher doesn't have control of the IV because they had taken advantage of a naturally occurring situation
    • Quasi experiments?

      Occurs when the participants can't be randomly allocated to experimental conditions because the IV is some naturally occurring pre-existing IV such as age, sex, height
    • Naturalistic observation?

      Behaviour that is studied in a natural situation - researcher doesn't interfere in any way
    • Controlled observation?

      Some variables in the experiment are controlled by the researcher - reducing the 'naturalness' of the environment
    • Covert observation?

      Participants don't know that they are being observed
    • Overt observation?

      Participants know that they are being observed and recorded
    • Participant observation?
      Observer interacts with the group that is being observed
    • Non-participant observation?
      Observer just watch and listen to the group that is being observed - no interactions
    • Aims?
      Researcher stating what the investigation is actually trying to discover
    • Hypothesis?

      A precise statement or prediction about the relationships between data
    • Alternative hypothesis?

      What is trying to be supported
      It will be tested in a research project
    • Directional?

      Predicts the expected direction of the outcome - more specific
    • Non-directional?

      Doesn't state what direction the results will take - more vague
    • Repeated measures?
      One group of participants is used and they experience all the conditions
    • Independent groups?

      Different groups of people participate in each condition of the experiment
    • Matched pairs?
      A person in one condition of the experiment is matched with a person in another condition of the experiment
    • Random allocation?
      Used to select who will do what condition