Statistical technique for combining the findings of several studies of a certain area of research
Qualitative data?
Data in the form of words
Quantitative data?
Data in the formofnumbers
Open questions?
Questions that require the participant to answer in their ownwords
Closed questions?
Questions where the participants are given a predefined set of responses to choose from
Independent variable?
Variable that is manipulated/changed
Dependent variable?
Variable that alters as a result of the IV/measured variable
Extraneous variables?
Variables that influence the outcome of the experiment, not the variables under investigation- some are random
About consistency-how much we depend on any particular measurement. If it's repeatable
What are the two types of reliability?
Test-retest reliability and inter-observer reliability
What is inter-observer reliability?
The extent to which there's an agreement between two or moreobservers who have observed the same thing
What is test-retest reliability?
Ability to produce the same results every time the test is carried out
Authentic and accurate picture of reality
Way of limited demand characteristics and investigator effects
Putting a series of things into randomorders so each one isn't predictable from the previous sequence
Demand characteristics?
Cues or clues in a research setting that may lead participants to behave in a certain way
Interviewer effect?
Interviewers appearance can cause changes in the respondents answers
Pilot study?
To make any amendments to any problems that may arise from the research
What is a filler question?
Questions that is designed to distract participants and reduce demand characteristics
Lab experiment?
experiment that is conducted under highly controlled conditions
IV is manipulated and DV is measured
Field experiments?
An experiment tat is conducted in a real world situation
Natural experiments?
Occurs when the researcher doesn't have control of the IV because they had taken advantage of a naturally occurring situation
Quasi experiments?
Occurs when the participants can't be randomly allocated to experimental conditions because the IV is some naturally occurring pre-existing IV such as age, sex, height
Naturalistic observation?
Behaviour that is studied in a natural situation - researcher doesn't interfere in any way
Controlled observation?
Some variables in the experiment are controlled by the researcher - reducing the 'naturalness' of the environment
Covert observation?
Participants don't know that they are being observed
Overt observation?
Participants know that they are being observed and recorded
Participant observation?
Observer interacts with the group that is being observed
Non-participant observation?
Observer just watch and listen to the group that is being observed - no interactions
Researcher stating what the investigation is actually trying to discover
A precise statement or prediction about the relationships between data
Alternative hypothesis?
What is trying to be supported
It will be tested in a research project
Predicts the expected direction of the outcome - more specific
Doesn't state what direction the results will take - more vague
Repeated measures?
One group of participants is used and they experience all the conditions
Independent groups?
Different groups of people participate in each condition of the experiment
Matched pairs?
A person in one condition of the experiment is matched with a person in another condition of the experiment