Cards (9)

  • Define species
    A group of organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring
  • What are the advantages of courtship behaviour
    Individuals can recognise sexually mature members of their own species of the opposite sex and successfully breed
  • Define classification
    The process of arranging organisms into groups
  • What system is used to give species a universal name
    Binomial naming system
  • What are the two components to a binomial name
    Generic name = the genus the organism belongs to. Two closely related species will share the same genus
    Specific name = the species the organism belongs to
  • How are binomial names handwritten
    ~The first letter of the generic name should be capitalised, with the rest in lowercase
    ~The whole name should be underlined
  • What is phylogenetic classification
    The process of arranging organisms into groups based on their evolutionary origins and relationships
  • How can we clarify evolutionary relationships between organisms
    ~Analyse their molecular differences
    ~Advances in immunology/genome sequencing provide clear pictures of how related two organisms are
  • Explain hierarchical classification
    ~Groups within groups
    ~No overlap between groups