Cards (14)

  • Why are ethnic minorities more likely to be in poverty than white people?
    language barriers
    low income jobs
    asylum seekers
    muslims usually 1 income but multiple kids
  • which ethnicities have the highest attainment 8 score?
    Chinese 69.2
    Indian 62
  • what is the national average attainment 8 score?
  • Which ethnicities have the lowest attainment 8 scores?
    Gypsy/Roma 22.7 (usually only boys)
    Black Carribean 44
  • which ethnicities have the lowest attainment 8 scores for people eligible for free school meals?

    white 36.1 FSM, no FSM 53.1
    Mixed 40.9 FSM, no FSM 54.9
  • Palmer 2012
    almost 50% of ethnic minority children live in low income households compared to 25% of white children
  • what is language deprivation?
    being at a disadvantage because they cannot speak English ‘properly‘
    MAY affect their language skills and ability to communicate in written exams
  • how many people in England and Wales reported that English is their first language?
    9 in 10
    however much lower in London
    92.3% aged 3 and over speak English as first language
  • how many people reported that they could not speak English well or at all?
    1.3% could not speak well
    0.3 could not speak English at all
  • what is ethnic identity?
    how a group sees themselves, acts as ‘self-esteem‘ and sense of inclusion within a community
  • Ken Pryce (1979)
    there is a difference in impact of colonial rule on self-esteem
    Africans were owned as slaves
    India was ‘taken‘ by the British and became independent in 1947
  • Moynihan
    Cultural and Material deprivation
    Black families headed by lone mothers lack the socialisation skills needed to prepare for school norms. Often lack obedience to authority and lack a male role model who is interested in their success
    Financially unstable-may create culture of non-working young people
  • Tony Sewell (2009)
    Cultural deprivation
    lack of ‘tough love‘ in fatherless families, promotes perverse loyalty and love in street gangs.
    Anti-education peer pressure is the greatest barrier for black boys.
    Clear cultural differences in socialisation and attitudes to education - MTV Culture
  • Ruth Lupton (2004)
    adult authority in Asian households are similar to schools.
    respect for parents rubbed off on teachers, parents supportive of school behaviour policies