space physics

Cards (21)

  • Questions about where we are, and where we came from, have been asked for thousands of years
  • In the past century, astronomers and astrophysicists have made remarkable progress in understanding the scale and structure of the universe, its evolution and ours
  • New questions have emerged recently about 'dark matter' and what is causing the universe to expand ever faster
  • Dark matter
    Bends light and holds galaxies together but does not emit electromagnetic radiation
  • Components of our solar system
    • One star (the Sun)
    • Eight planets
    • Dwarf planets
    • Natural satellites (moons)
  • Our solar system is a small part of the Milky Way galaxy
  • Formation of the Sun
    1. Dust and gas (nebula) pulled together by gravitational attraction
    2. Fusion reactions start
  • Fusion reactions in stars
    Lead to an equilibrium between the gravitational collapse of a star and the expansion of a star due to fusion energy
  • Life cycle of a star
    • Determined by the size of the star
    • Fusion processes produce all naturally occurring elements
    • Elements heavier than iron are produced in a supernova
  • The explosion of a massive star (supernova) distributes the elements throughout the universe
  • Fusion processes in stars
    Lead to the formation of new elements
  • Gravity
    Provides the force that allows planets and satellites (both natural and artificial) to maintain their circular orbits
  • For circular orbits, the force of gravity
    Can lead to changing velocity but unchanged speed
  • For a stable orbit, the radius

    Must change if the speed changes
  • Red-shift
    Observed increase in the wavelength of light from most distant galaxies
  • The further away the galaxies

    The faster they are moving and the bigger the observed increase in wavelength
  • The observed red-shift provides evidence that space itself (the universe) is expanding and supports the Big Bang theory
  • Big Bang theory
    Suggests that the universe began from a very small region that was extremely hot and dense
  • Since 1998 onwards, observations of supernovae suggest that distant galaxies are receding ever faster
  • Explaining red-shift
    1. Qualitatively the red-shift of light from galaxies that are receding
    2. The change of each galaxy's speed with distance is evidence of an expanding universe
    3. How red-shift provides evidence for the Big Bang model
    4. How scientists are able to use observations to arrive at theories such as the Big Bang theory
  • There is still much about the universe that is not understood, for example dark mass and dark energy