Down syndrome is named after John Langdon Down in 1866, who first systematically described it. After 100 years, people were were able to establish the connection to chromosome 21
Types of Down Syndrome
Trisomy 21
Trisomy 21
Most common: 95%
extra copy of chromosome 21, totaling up to 47 chromosomes instead of 46 due to meiotic non-disjunction
meioticnon-disjunction is the abnormalities in separating chromosomes in sperm/egg cells
mixture of 2 types of cells
fewer features of DS
1-2% of the cases of DS
part of chromosome 21 breaks off during cell division and attaches to other chromosomes, usually 14
chromosome is still 46
only hereditary factor
Down Syndrome Etiology
Cell division error
advance maternal age (usually 35 yrs old and up)
no behavioral/environmental factors
DS: Prevalence/Incidence
Global: 1 in 10/1000 live births
PH: 1 in 800 children
Physical Symptoms
should have a lot of physical symptoms
Epicanthal Folds
Simian Crease
Small oral cavity with large tongue
Gap between 1st and 2nd toes
Small ears, nose, chin
Lack of central fissure in tongue
Screening (non-confirmatory)
Prenatal (confirmatory)
Amniocentesis (fluid)
Chronic Villus Sampling (placenta)
miscarriage risk
Physical Symptoms
Blood Karyotyping
Associated Problems for DS
Congenital Heart Disease
Intellectual Disorder
Vision Problems
Gastrointestinal Problem
Blood Disorder
Congenital Heart Disease
50% incidence
common cause for babies with DS up to the first 2 years of their life
inability to pump blood efficiently
lead to cyanosis
echocardiogram by pediatric cardiologist
Intellectual Disorder
Mild to Moderate
DS to be the common cause of ID
slow earning, poor judgement, short attention span
Vision Problem
Cataract (clouding of eyes): surgery
Strabismus (crossed-eye)
Nearsightedness: glasses
Hearing Problem
2/3 of children with DS
Sensorineural, Conductive, Otitis media
due to narrow auditory canals, cranial nerve difference
decreased production of thyroidhormones
results in mental slug, fatigue, weight fluctuation
congenital or acquired
have thyroid exam at birth, after 6 months, and annually
Obstructive sleep apnea
absence of breathing in sleep
to detect CPAP: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
Gastrointestinal Problems
problem in digesting food due to structural
constipation, GERD, Celiac Disease (intolerance to wheat)
Social skills
engaging, affectionate, pragmatics
Receptive skills > expressive skills
delayed expressivevocabulary
produce shorter and lesscomplexutterances
poor speechintelligibility
phonological errors
Average life expectancy
1960s: 10 years old
2007: 46 years old
High risk of developing early-onset Alzheimer's disease or dementia in general.
by 60 years old, 0-70% of patients with DS develop dementia
Support Groups
Down Syndrome Association of the Philippines (DSAPI)