Reflection & Refraction

Cards (14)

  • What is refraction?
    the bending of light
  • When does refraction happen to water waves?
    when they cross a boundary between deep and shallow water at a non zero angle to the boundary
    the change of speed at the boundary causes them to change direction
  • When does refraction happen to light waves?
    when they travel across a boundary between air and a transparent medium or between two transparent medias
    this is because the speed of light changes at this boundary
  • Why is glass more optically dense than air?
    because light travels through it slower than in air
  • What effect does the properties of glass on waves have (on light waves)?
    When light enters a more dense medium, it is refracted towards the normal (the angle of refraction is less than the angle of incidence)

    When light enters a less dense medium, it is refracted away from the normal (the angle of refraction is greater than the angle of incidence)
  • What can also occur when waves cross a boundary between 2 materials?
    partial reflection
    the waves that cross the boundary lose energy at the boundary and so have a smaller amplitude than the incident waves
  • What is the line perpendicular to the mirror called?
    the normal
  • What is the angle of incidence?

    the angle between the incident ray and the normal
  • What is the angle of reflection?
    the angle between the reflected ray and the normal
  • What is relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection?
    they are equal
  • What is a virtual image?
    an image formed at a place where light rays appear to come from after they have been reflected (or refracted)
    it cannot be projected onto a screen
  • What is a real image?
    An image formed by focusing light rays onto a screen.
  • What is specular reflection?
    reflection from a smooth surface
    because parallel light rays are reflected in a single direction
  • What is diffuse reflection?

    reflection from a rough surface
    because the light is scattered in different directions