
Cards (11)

  • Taxation
    Raises income to defray the necessary expenses of the government
  • Taxation
    Symbiotic relationship with the government
  • Taxes
    • Enforced proportional contributions from person, property, and sale of goods and services
    • For the use and service of the state
    • Lifeblood of the Government
    • Not a debt
  • Characteristics of Taxes
    • Forced charge, imposition or contribution
    • Pecuniary burden payable in money
    • Levied by the legislative body of the state
    • Assessed in accordance with some reasonable rule of apportionment and should be based on the ability to pay
    • Imposed by the State on persons, property or services within its jurisdiction
    • Levied for public purpose
  • Tax
    • Civil liability
    • Non-payment creates a criminal liability for the taxpayer's willful failure or refusal to pay
  • Characteristics of Tax
    • Only by legislature
    • Only based on the ability to pay
    • Only to persons, property or services within its jurisdiction or territory
  • Theoretical Basis of Taxation
    • Necessity Theory - existence of government is a necessity; that it cannot continue without the means to pay its expenses
    • Benefits-Protection Theory - give rise to the right to protection; both are enjoyed as well by those members of a State who do not pay taxes because they have no means or ability to pay
  • Three State Powers (inherent)
    • Taxation - raises revenue to defray the necessary expenses of the government
    • Eminent Domain - to take private property for public use upon the payment of just compensation
    • Police Power - to enact laws to promote public health, public/ morals, public safety and general welfare of the people
  • Limitations on the Power of Taxation
    • Purpose - public purpose
    • Territoriality - under its jurisdictions or within its territory
    • International comity - The property of a foreign State may not be taxed by another (embassies)
    • Exemption - Governmental agencies performing governmental functions are exempt from taxation
    • Non-delegation - The power to tax being legislative in nature may not be delegated (Congress and senate)
  • Situs of Taxation
    • Persons - residence of the taxpayer
    • Real property or tangible personal property - location of the property
    • Intangible personal property - domicile or residence of the owner unless he has acquired a situs elsewhere
    • Income - taxpayer's residence and citizenship, or place where the income was earned
    • Business, occupation and transaction - place where business is being operated, occupation being practiced and transaction completed
    • Gratuitous transfer of property - taxpayer's residence or citizenship, or location of the property
  • Double Taxation
    • Direct double taxation - taxed twice by the same authority within the same jurisdiction for the same purpose and during the same period (Unconstitutional)
    • Indirect double taxation - not unconstitutional