Cards (3)

  • Importance:
    • Yom Hashoah is a time when Jews observe the tragedy of the Holocaust. The Holocaust refers to a time during World War II when six million Jews were killed by the Nazis as a result of their beliefs. Yom Hashoah is also known as Holocaust Memorial Day.
  • Preperation:
    • Some Jews take part in rituals to remember those who lost their lives during the Holocaust
    • However, each community will differ in their way or preperation
  • Celebration
    Rituals on this day include:
    • A silence is observed in rememberance for those who have died
    • The lighting of a candle in Jewish homes
    • Occasional fasting
    • Religious ceremonies include prayers such as haddish
    • a shofar is blown and they have a minute of silence
    • Prime Minister of Israel and chief rabbi will give a speech to mourn the Jews who lost their lives