reproductive system

Cards (33)

  • The ovaries secrete oestrogen and progesterone
  • The testes secrete testosterone
  • The pituitary gland secretes FSH and LH, which both target the ovary
  • Progesterone is released by the follicles in the ovary
  • Oestrogen is released by the corpus luteum in the ovary
  • Progesterone and Oestrogen target the uterus lining
  • What is ovulation?
    Releases an egg halfway through menstruation
  • Which hormone causes ovulation?
  • What ovarian hormone rises after ovulation?
  • WHat does progesterone do?
    creates uterus lining
  • What causes progesterone levels to fall?(egg isn't fertalised)
    corpus luteum breaking down
  • Which hormone starts the menstrual cycle?
  • What does LH stand for
    luteneising hormone
  • what does FSH stand for
    follical stimulating hormone
  • What does the combined pill contain
    progesterone and oestrogen
  • Why do the combined pills have lower levels of oestrogen
    Side effects
  • Are there progesterone only pills?
  • Side effects of combined pill
    headaches, nausea, irregular bleeding
  • What do implants release
  • how long can an implant last for
    up to 5 years
  • what do injections contain and how long do they last for
    progesterone. last for 2-3 months
  • progesterone inhibits FSH and LH
  • Progesterone stimulates the production of thick cervical mucus
  • Oestrogen in high levels can stop FSH production
  • Platic IUDs release progesterone
  • Copper IUDs prevent sperms surviving in the cervix/womb
  • Vasectomy prevents sperm from leaving the male
  • IVF stands for in vitro fertalisation
  • How are eggs fertalised in IVF
    sperm sample
  • what does PGD stand for
    pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
  • which hormone inhibits FSH?
  • which hormone causes egg maturation?
  • which hormone stimulates an egg to be released?