III. D - The Leaf

Cards (10)

  • Parts
    1. Blade - supports the leaf
    2. Midrib - supports the leaf
    3. Petiole - attaches the blade to the stem
    4. Stripule - nodal outgrowths
  • Phyllotaxy - arrangement of leaves among the stem
    1. Alternate
    2. Parallel
    3. Whorled
  • Petiolate vs sessile
    1. Petiolate - presence of petiole
    2. Sessile - blade is attached to the node
  • Complexity
    1. Simple - single and undivided
    2. Compound
    3. Trifoliate
    4. First pinnate - leaflets attached to rachis
    5. Second pinnate - leaflets attached to rachilla
    6. Palmate - leaflets are attached to central point
  • Ventation
    1. Reticulate
    2. Parallel
  • General leaf anatomy
    1. Midrib thickness > blade thickness
    2. Midrib
    3. Lamina
    4. Abaxial - lower side; more stomates
    5. Adaxial - upper side; less stomates
  • Monocot leaf anatomy
    1. Cuticle - thick
    2. Mesophyll - inner to the blade epidermis
    3. Epidermis
    4. Bulliform cell
    5. Airspace
    6. Stoma
    7. Vascular bundle
    8. Midvein
  • Dicot leaf anatomy
    1. Upper epidermis
    2. Palisade mesophyll
    3. Midvein
    4. Vascular bundle
    5. Phloem
    6. Xylem
    7. Collenchyma
    8. Lower epidermis
  • Gymnosperm
    1. Epiderimis
    2. Hypodermis
    3. Lobed mesophyll
    4. endodermis
    5. Xylem
    6. Transfussion tissue
    7. Sunken stomate
    8. Resin duct
  • Leaf modifications (Type - modification - function)
    1. Bracts - lamina - attracts polinators
    2. Carnivorous - entire leaf - heterotrophic nutrition
    3. Meristematc - margin - asexual reproduction
    4. Phyllods - petiole - additional photosynthetic activity
    5. Spines - entire leaf - defense and prevents water loss
    6. Storage - entire leaf - food storage
    7. Pseudostem - leaf sheath - structural support