It is in the form of a sac consisting of a single layered membrane
It carries strong digestive enzymes (hydrolase, lipase, phosphatase)
If the lysosome membrane structure is damaged, the cell digests itself (autolysis)
It is more abundant in cells specialized for phagocytosis such as macrophages and leukocytes
Digestion of nutrients taken from the outside into the cell
Digesting and neutralizing bacteria and toxins that enter the cell from the outside
Digestion of organelles and structures that have lost their function in the cell
Enzymes in it are produced in ribosomes
The enzymes produced are transported by the ER
Enzymes transported by the ER are packaged in the golgi
The Golgi surrounds these enzymes with a membrane, forming the lysosome
Ribosome, golgi and ER are effective in the formation of lysosome